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Chain Web v. 2.10.350
Released on January 10th 2025
Deactivate reason codes
Reason codes can be deactivated and activated, by double clicking on a reason code from the "more" button.
Deactivated reason codes are not available in POS.
The name and accounting number of an active reason can be edited, by double clicking on the reason code row and saving the changes.
Balance permissions (RTC-45009)
Store users without "Administer balance" permission are able to create balance for cash registers (BalanceTransactionType = Workstation).
Modifying shift settlement without submitting settlement, resets settlement (RTC-44386)
Values displayed in the shift balance edit view are always fetched from previously submitted settlement and editing the settlement without submit does not longer affect displayed values.
Issues with creation of new customer when no IsDefaultSuggestedGroup CustomerGroup is defined (RTC-44309)
Error is no longer occurring and customer is correctly created, even if default group is not defined.
Pickup code and Picking status in Customer order (RTC-45147)
A "Pickup code" column is present in the Customer orders grid, where the pickup code for the order can bee seen.
The "Picking status" shows information about the order's picking status.
Block allocating order number on-prem (system parameter) (RTC-43242)
Order number allocation through BackOfficeService can be blocked, by setting CustomerOrderNumberAllocationMovedToCloud parameter to True. A message with information that allocation should be done via cloud service is then returned in the BackOfficeService logs.
Payment method missing/incorrect in Email templates (RTC-44436)
Payment methods used for particular order are properly displayed in the email templates:
Payment methods with amount less or equal to 0 are not displayed in templates and receipt Pdf's.
Payment methods are properly fetched from database tables.
Order paid with multiple payment methods contains all methods in all templates displaying payment method (e.g., Payment method: Klarna, Gift card).
There is no difference in how payment method is displayed on the email templates for orders created in Web shop and orders created in Physical store.
Redirect for Gift card in Cloud or Chain Web (RTC-44967)
The system parameter RedirectToGiftCardManagement defines if the user should be sent to Gift cards in Chain Web or Gift card management in Cloud.
If the parameter is set to True, and the "CloudChainUrl" parameter is not empty, the user will be redirected to GiftCard management in Cloud from the navigation menu.
If the parameter is set to False, the user will always be directed to Gift Cards view in Chain Web.
Discount in EHF (RTC-41628)
Discounts are added to the EHF invoices. They are present on Price level, which is part of the InvoiceLine/CreditNoteLine area.
Support pre-dispatched orders (RTC-44524)
It is possible to assign orders to stores before creating orders in EG OMS. It is possible to configure an environment to not call DispatchService when creating new orders. A new PickingOrdersPreDispatchedEnabled parameter has been added to identify if support for pre-shipped orders is enabled.
PoslogProcessing: Add support for picking store (RTC-44850)
During pre-dispatching, the picking store from POSLog is used as the source for picking stores assignment.
Extend PickingorderExport (all) with Orderdate, customer number and member number (RTC-44845)
All PickingOrderExport contracts were properly extended with the fields:
CustomerNumber - is included in the ContactInfo
Also Swagger documentation was properly updated.
Export pickingOrderJson for all order types (PAC, Shipment deliveries and RIS) (RTC-44825)
PickingOrders for PAC, PAC.CW and ShipmentDeliveries are exported in the same manner as RIS orders.
Extend pickingOrderDelivered and pickingOrderCompleted contracts (RTC-44822)
Completed and Delivered PickingOrderExports are properly extended with more information of the order. There were added two additional fields to the export contracts:
Moreover, when order has multiple packages then all PackageNumbers are listed in the export also Swagger documentation was properly updated with mentioned improvements.
Enable PickingOrderExport for all stores (RTC-41653)
Existing PickingOrderExport parameter in the System Parameters in Chain Web was properly extended with the new functionality - from now it is possible to set export to all existing stores without obligation to set them separately, but as it was previously this option is still available.
Enable Pre-disaptched picking orders (RTC-44523)
New parameter 'PickingOrdersPreDispatchedEnabled' allows to enable picking orders creation for pre-dispatched orders based on picking store number in PosLog. Picking orders will not be created based on dispatch suggestions from dispatch service.
Trigger export of PickingOrderExport blob type: DeliveredToCustomer (RTC-44519)
PickingOrderExport BlobType: "DeliveredToCustomer" is properly exported by PickingOrder job when status in deliveryJson (POSAPi) is for click and collect orders.
Trigger export of PickingOrderExport blob type: DeliveredToCustomer (RTC-44516)
Trigger of new DeliveredToCustomer BlobType for PAC and PAC.CW orders.
PickingOrderProcessor deadlock issue (RTC-44308)
When PickingOrderProcessor process two events (create and update) related to certain order in one run then there is no deadlock registered. Both PickingOrderProcessor and PickingOrder jobs finished with completed status regarding the order.
System info view (RTP-34984)
Flight Data Service can be configured in System Info - Services status view.
POS Configuration: ServicesToShowInSystemPanel - Services to be shown in System Panel. New possible value to configure there - "FlightDataServiceGatewayUri".
Fix: Origin flag not synced on Myhrvold and Strongpoint labels (RTC-44017)
Changes in 'Origin' flag values trigger creating labels for items with scale labels in Item Service. Labels are imported in on-premise server and converted to XML and atte.dat files with correct values of Origin flag. In Myhrvold labels value is located in weightInformation section in weightOrigin field, when in Strongpoint it is the last digit of first row - 1 means origin is true, 0 origin is False.
Best before on scale labels (RTC-43542)
It is possible to differentiate 'shelf life' and 'best before' in files containing scale labels. There are three cases that vary in display of value:
Shelf life is not empty and Best before flag is True.
Shelf life is not empty and Best before flag is False.
Shelf life is empty.
In first case, Myhrvold XML file in 'ShelfLife' field has value of Shelf life from item. In second, value is 'Shelf life+900'. And when shelf life is empty, field has value 0.
Strongpoint atte.dat files have different placements of Shelf life value from item depending on Best before flag. If it is True, ShelfLife is written in 24th to 26th positions in file. When False, in 27th to 29th are filled with values. Zeros in 24th to 29th position mean that there is no Shelf life on item.
Values of Shelf life and Best before are taken from common fields or from store local attributes if set.
Create users with special characters (RTC-44999)
In user management, users can be created with "/", "\" and space in the username.
Note that in some cases, the user might not be exported to Chain correctly.
Team users and cashiers (RTC-44432)
Team users with correct permissions are allowed to assign/create cashiers for other users.
In addition, an issue where team users could not see cashiers in Cashier management, has been fixed.