InStore App in Chain Web
  • 10 Jan 2025
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InStore App in Chain Web

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Article summary

InStore App v. 2.10.350

Released on January 10th 2025

Order summary in Picking orders


The Order summary is the last step in the picking order process. It shows information about the placement of the order (if this is enabled), order number and number of picked items, and the customers delivery information.

Simplified picking of single orders


Picking an order can be started from the preview of the order (Order details).

When selecting Pick order, the Picking list is opened.

Here the user can select Pick all, if they want to quickly mark all items as picked without scanning or manually confirming each item.


For order type Pay and Collect - central warehouse (PAC.CW), the Pick all button is not visible until the picking list from Central Warehouse has status "Delivered".

When clicking Finish, the user is navigated directly to the summary view of the order and the order can be completed.

Reject order and Delivery information are moved to the more bottom sheet.


Self -service - Turn off packing step in order picking (RTM-9105)

With system parameter EnablePacking, the packing step when picking multiple orders at the same time can be turned on or off. The parameter is set to True by default.
When the parameter is set to False, the user only must scan the items once. The items are then moved to the Picked tab right away, and the user can select Finish and complete each order one by one.

No orders available for receival (RTM-9009)

Improved handling of connectivity issues when searching for item receival, so that orders/parcels are found and receival can be done.

InStore App v. 2.10.340

Released on November 11th 2024

Cancel Reserve and collect orders in InStore App


Reserve and collect orders (Click and collect orders) can be cancelled in InStore App.
These orders have a Cancel button in the order picking view.
When cancelling the order, an SMS is sent to the customer and the status of the order is set to Cancelled.


PAC.CW orders are shown in InStore App when CW has status picking (RTM-8967)

Where there are no pick able items on the store, only on the central warehouse, the order is shown in Order picking when central warehouse has status Picking or Delivered. When central warehouse has status New, the orders are not shown in Order picking.

InStore App v. 2.10.331

18 Sep 2024

Paging in order picking


A Load More button is added at the end of picking order list.

When opening the order picking, 20 orders are shown.

When clicking Load more button, another 20 orders are loaded.

Support label quantity when using cloud


When ordering labels form cloud Item Service, it is possible to change label quantity in InStore. The quantity is sent to Item Service and correct value is displayed in Item Management.





Hide context menu (RTM-8071)

When the input field is long pressed, the context menu is hidden in Stocktaking view and in Details view.

Internal use

Calendar days in Internal use (RTM-8536)

The calendar in Internal use has been fixed, as it was showing the dates on the wrong day.

Order picking

Search for external order number in order picking (RTM-8594)

When configuration parameter HideInternalOrderNumber is set to True, the user can search orders by external order numbers. When it is set to False, the user can search by internal order numbers.

Hide internal order number (RTM-8404)

With the system parameter, HideInternalOrderNumber set to True, the internal number is hidden.
The external order number is then shown for all types of order. If there is no external order number for the order, '-' is shown.
If the parameter is set to False (default), both the internal and external numbers are shown for Click & Collect orders and only internal number for other types of orders.

Pick up date in future is displayed correctly (RTM-8345)

Displaying pick up date was improved. Pick up dates that are in the future are shown properly. When pick up date is today, only time is shown, instead of date.

Filtering options are saved (RTM-8284)

Filtering options are saved, and can be cleared manually. They are also reset after logout.

Sorting improvements (RTM-8281)

Arrows sort on newest/oldest date. Changing between created date and pick up date is possible by clicking the Created/Pick up date button. Sorting by pick up date is default. When sorting by pick up date - pick up date is shown (not created date). If the parameter for preferred pick up time is not set, Created/Pick up date button is hidden, only arrows are shown.

Show not picked Chain Web orders in Picking order view (RTM-8259)

If a picking order is split between Chain Web (Central Warehouse) and a pick up store, and items from Chain Web are not picked yet, the order is shown on the list in picking order view in pick up store.

Background for "sorting" dropdown in Picking orders (RTM-8007)

Background for sorting dropdown in Picking orders was corrected, it is transparent, not gray.

Disable print out of order confirmation (RTM-7930)

If the parameter PrintLabelForPickupOrders (previously called PrintPickupLabelForClickAndCollect) is set to False, orders will have have status Picked in POS, when the picking is done.
If the parameter is set to True, orders will have have status Completed in POS. If an IP for the printer is configured, labels are printed for the orders.

Item details from Hybris Pearl API (RTM-8304)

Items details from Hybris Pearl can be shown in InStore App, in Item details and Order picking details.
To fetch item details from Hybris Pearl in stead of Item Master, set parameters DisplayHybrisData and HybrisProductApiUri to True.
HybrisProductApiUri contains the url to Hybris Product api.

Item details that are fetched based on the item number:

  • Amount, unit

  • Color number

  • Color

  • Size

  • Name

  • Supplier

  • Brand

  • Year

Fields that don't have a value (empty in the api) are now shown i the app.
InStore App is asking for item details based on the item number, so there must be an item number match in the API.

Users with Team access (RTM-8578)

Users with team access in Cloud can start and complete order picking.

Purchase order

Purchase order validation on sales date (RTM-7300)

Items are blocked for ordering if the sales date is invalid.
When fetching units for item, out-of-date units are not shown on the list.
If there is no valid unit to order for the item and scanned item (or its units), a popup informing that the item is blocked for ordering due to the sales date is shown.

InStore App v. 2.10.321

Released 18 Jun 2024

Pay and collect orders


For Pay and collect and Pay and collect Central warehouse orders, the text for notifying customer is changed from "Send SMS to customer" to "Notify the customer that their items are ready for pick up".





Support images from external API (RTM-8005)

Images from external API are matched by ItemNumber and used as an item image. The parameter InStoreFetchImageURL allows the user to specify what attribute of an item that should be used.

New parameter AdditionalCSPImageUrl was added to redirect URL to CSP.

Support for scanning item number (RTM-7794)

It is possible to scan item number in Home, Price control, Picking order, Stock lookup, Receive goods, Breakage, Stock adjustment, Internal use, Stock correction, Return defect item, Stocktaking (Count items).

Internal transfer

Item can be added from Home to Internal transfer (RTM-3994)

Items can be added from the Home page to an Internal transfer.

Item ordering

Ordering blocked (RTM-7302)
If ordering is blocked on an item, the item cannot be added to the purchase order.

Order picking

Show Item number in Order picking (RTM-8015)
When system parameter UseItemNumberAsIdentifier is set to True, the item number is shown when doing Order picking (in Order details and Item details). It is also shown in Order criteria, Price control, Discount label and Stock lookup. If the parameter is set to False, the main EAN is shown.

Number of picking orders in pick up store (RTM-7982)
Not picked orders with type PAC.CW are visible on the list and included in the number. PAC.CW that are paused in current store and not delivered from Chain Web are not included in this number (but still on the list with some correct status). After PAC.CW gets delivered from Chain Web, the order is again included in number of unpicked orders. Orders that only contain items from Chain Web (no items to be picked in pickup store) - are not included in this number until delivered from Chain Web.

Pay and collect orders RTM-7736)
For Pay and collect and Pay and collect Central warehouse orders, the text for notifying customer is changed from "Send SMS to customer" to "Notify the customer that their items are ready for pick up".

Cancel Reserve and collect/Click and collect (RTM-7697)
When cancelling Click and collect orders in Chain Web, the status for all linked picking orders are set to 'Rejected'.
The picking order is removed from InStore App and POS.

Store tracking URL after completing dispatch orders (RTM-7583)
Tracking URL is saved in DB (CustomerOrder.OrderLineDeliveryTracking) when a dispatch order is picked.

Price control

Issue with local campaign when Lexmark is unavailable (RTM-8004)
Fixed issue with local campaign start/end dates when Lexmark is unavailable. Start date is always set in UpdateItemPriceChain request.

Receive goods

No orders/parcels available for receival (RTM-7958)
Improved handling of connectivity issues when searching for item receival, so that orders/parcels are found and receival can be done.

Multiply by in Manual Receival (RTM-7849)
When scanning weight items in Manual Receival, a popup for weight change can be opened and a value can be inserted in Multiply by.

InStore App v. 2.10.312

Released 26 Jun 2024

Support label quantity when using cloud


When ordering labels form cloud Item Service, it is possible to change label quantity in InStore. The quantity is sent to Item Service and correct value is displayed in Item Management.

InStore App v. 2.10.310

Released 02 May 2024

Order information labels


Order information labels can be printed with Zebra printer for C&C orders. In Settings in InStore App, the IP of the printer can be set.


Upgrade script to DB required.

When system parameter PrintPickupLabelFromClickAndCollect is set to True, additional information in the confirmation view is shown and the label is printed.

Labels can be reprinted for delivered Click & Collect orders.




Order picking

Picking order removed from InStore App when cancelled in POS (RTM-6944)
When a Reserve in store/Click and collect order is deleted in POS, the order is Cancelled in Chain Web and the picking order is no longer visible in InStore App.

"Not started next x hours" for Click & Collect orders (RTM-7703)
The filter "Not started next x hours" works for Click and collect orders.

Receive goods

Receive goods and External Orders (RTM-7595)
Orders without parcel number were shown in External Orders. This has been fixed.

InStore App v. 2.10.30998

Released 10 Oct 2024

Cancel Reserve and collect orders in InStore App


Reserve and collect orders (Click and collect orders) can be cancelled in InStore App.
These orders have a Cancel button in the order picking view.
When cancelling the order, an SMS is sent to the customer and the status of the order is set to Cancelled.




Order picking

PAC.CW orders are shown in InStore App when Chain Web has status picking (RTM-8967)

Where there are no pick able items on the store, only on the central warehouse, the order is shown in Order picking when central warehouse has status Picking or Delivered.
When central warehouse has status New, the orders are not shown in Order picking.

InStore App v. 2.10.30996

Released 16 Sep 2024



Order picking

Users with Team access (RTM-8578)
Users with team access in Cloud can start and complete order picking.

InStore App v. 2.10.30995

23 Aug 2024

Paging in order picking


A Load More button is added at the end of picking order list.
When opening the order picking, 20 orders are shown.
When clicking Load more button, another 20 orders are loaded.




Order picking

Search for external order number in order picking (RTM-8594)
When configuration parameter HideInternalOrderNumber is set to True, the user can search orders by external order numbers.
When it is set to False, the user can search by internal order numbers.

Item details from Hybris Pearl API (RTM-8304)
Items details from Hybris Pearl can be shown in InStore App, in Item details and Order picking details.
To fetch item details from Hybris Pearl in stead of Item Master, set parameters DisplayHybrisData and HybrisProductApiUri to True.
HybrisProductApiUri contains the url to Hybris Product API.

Item details that are fetched based on the item number:

  • Amount, unit

  • Color number

  • Color

  • Size

  • Name

  • Supplier

  • Brand

  • Year

Fields that don't have a value (empty in the API) are now shown i the app.
InStore App is asking for item details based on the item number, so there must be an item number match in the API.

InStore App v. 2.10.30992

22 Jul 2024




Order picking

Filtering options are saved (RTM-8284)

Filtering options are saved, and can be cleared manually. They are also reset after logout.

Pick up date in future is displayed correctly (RTM-8345)

Displaying pick up date was improved. Pick up dates that are in the future are shown properly. When pick up date is today, only time is shown, instead of date.

Hide internal order number (RTM-8404)

With the system parameter, HideInternalOrderNumber set to True, the internal number is hidden.
The external order number is then shown for all types of order. If there is no external order number for the order, '-' is shown.
If the parameter is set to False (default), both the internal and external numbers are shown for Click & Collect orders and only internal number for other types of orders.

InStore App v. 2.10.30991

03 Jul 2024




Order picking

Sorting improvements (RTM-8281)

Arrows sort on newest/oldest date. Changing between created date and pick up date is possible by clicking the Created/Pick up date button. Sorting by pick up date is default. When sorting by pick up date - pick up date is shown (not created date). If the parameter for preferred pick up time is not set, Created/Pick up date button is hidden, only arrows are shown.

InStore App v. 2.10.3099

28 Jun 2024




Order picking

Show not picked Chain Web orders in Picking order view (RTM-8259)

If a picking order is split between Chain Web (Central Warehouse) and a pick up store, and items from Chain Web are not picked yet, the order is shown on the list in picking order view in pick up store.

InStore App v. 2.10.3098

25 Jun 2024




Order picking

Disable print out of order confirmation (RTM-7930)

If the parameter PrintLabelForPickupOrders (previously called PrintPickupLabelForClickAndCollect) is set to False, orders will have have status Picked in POS, when the picking is done.
If the parameter is set to True, orders will have have status Completed in POS. If an IP for the printer is configured, labels are printed for the orders.

InStore App v. 2.10.3095

07 Jun 2024





Support images from external API (RTM-8005)

Images from external API are matched by ItemNumber and used as an item image. The parameter InStoreFetchImageURL allows the user to specify what attribute of an item that should be used.

New parameter AdditionalCSPImageUrl was added to redirect URL to CSP.

Order picking

Show Item number in Order picking (RTM-8015)

When system parameter UseItemNumberAsIdentifier is set to True, the item number is shown when doing Order picking (in Order details and Item details). It is also shown in Order criteria, Price control, Discount label and Stock lookup. If the parameter is set to False, the main EAN is shown.

InStore App v. 2.10.3093

03 Jun 2024




Order picking

Number of picking orders in pick up store (RTM-7982)
Not picked orders with type PAC.CW are visible on the list and included in the number. PAC.CW that are paused in current store and not delivered from Chain Web are not included in this number (but still on the list with some correct status). After PAC.CW gets delivered from Chain Web, the order is again included in number of unpicked orders. Orders that only contain items from Chain Web (no items to be picked in pickup store) - are not included in this number until delivered from Chain Web.

Show not picked Chain Web orders in Picking order view (RTM-7933)
If a picking order is split between Chain Web (Central Warehouse) and a pick up stor, and items from Chain Web are not picked yet, the order is shown on the list in picking order view in pick up store.

InStore App v. 2.10.3092

31 May 2024





Support for scanning item number (RTM-7794)
It is possible to scan item number in Home, Price control, Picking order, Stock lookup, Receive goods, Breakage, Stock adjustment, Internal use, Stock correction, Return defect item, Stocktaking (Count items).

InStore App v. 2.10.3091

20 May 2024




Receive goods

No orders/parcels available for receival (RTM-7958)
Improved handling of connectivity issues when searching for item receival, so that orders/parcels are found and receival can be done.

InStore App v. 2.10.309

17 May 2024




Order picking

Store tracking URL after completing dispatch orders (RTM-7583)
Tracking URL is saved in DB (CustomerOrder.OrderLineDeliveryTracking) when a dispatch order is picked.

Receive goods

Multiply by in Manual Receival (RTM-7849)
When scanning weight items in Manual Receival, a popup for weight change can be opened and a value can be inserted in Multiply by.

InStore App v. 2.10.307

29 Apr 2024

Pay and collect orders


For Pay and collect and Pay and collect Central warehouse orders, the text for notifying customer is changed from "Send SMS to customer" to "Notify the customer that their items are ready for pick up".

InStore App v. 2.10.306

25 Apr 2024




Order picking

"Not started next x hours" for Click & Collect orders (RTM-7703)
The filter "Not started next x hours" works for Click and collect orders.

Cancel Reserve and collect/Click and collect (RTM-7697)
When cancelling Click and collect orders in Chain Web, the status for all linked picking orders are set to 'Rejected'.
The picking order is removed from InStore App and POS.

InStore App v. 2.10.305

19 Apr 2024




Receive goods

Receive goods and External Orders (RTM-7595)
Orders without parcel number were shown in External Orders. This has been fixed.

InStore App v. 2.10.304

16 Apr 2024




Order picking

Picking order removed from InStore App when cancelled in POS (RTM-6944)
When a Reserve in store/Click and collect order is deleted in POS, the order is Cancelled in Chain Web and the picking order is no longer visible in InStore App.

InStore App v. 2.10.302

28 Mar 2024

Order information labels


Order information labels can be printed with Zebra printer for C&C orders. In Settings in InStore App, the IP of the printer can be set.


Upgrade script to DB required.

When system parameter PrintPickupLabelFromClickAndCollect is set to True, additional information in the confirmation view is shown and the label is printed.

Labels can be reprinted for delivered Click & Collect orders.

InStore App v. 2.10.301

15 Mar 2024




Purchase order

Item quantity in Purchase orders (RTM-7304)
When adding a CU item, with minimum order quantity larger than quantity in supplier package, the item is added with the minimum order quantity. The value can be increased by the quantity in supplier package. The quantity cannot be lower than minimum order quantity.

Label printing

Label print in Price control (RTM-7291)
When the user does not have permission to print labels, the Label print button in Price control is not visible.

Edit item details

Store local values for tandem items (RTM-7287)
In Edit item details, store local values can be changed for tandem items.

Order picking

Order filtering and Select all (RTM-7201)
In order filtering, when the "Select All" button is clicked, all the filtered orders get their checkbox checked. Other orders remain unmarked.

Item list

No need for double click in Item list (RTM-6894)
When creating an items list, double-clicking on the Finish button is no longer necessary to go the summary.
A single click on Finish opens the summary.

InStore App v. 2.10.300

06 Mar 2024

Sorting in Order picking


The orders in order picking can be sorted by Created date or Pick up date. Sorting can be done on the delivered orders as well.

Filter by order status in Order picking


In Order picking, orders can be filtered by order status. When clicking the filter icon, a popup with filter options is shown. Orders can in addition be filtered by order status.

The status Not started (next X hours) is not available for order types Delivery and Reservation.

The status Not started (next X hours) filters out orders that are not planned to be picked during the next X hours, and relates to the preferred pickup time in the order.

The value for X is configurable, and is configured in the settings in the app under Order picking settings.

This setting can be set both in InStore App settings and in the system parameters in Chain Web. The parameter is OrderPickingInStoreConfiguration.

Filter by order type in Order picking


When clicking the filter icon, a popup with filter options is shown.

Orders can be filtered by order type, and there is an option to show delivered orders. If any filtering is selected, the order type icon is shown next to the filter icon, with the number of filters applied.





ItemDetailsConfiguration parameter (RTM-7126)

If more than one store local field is set to hidden in the ItemDetailsConfiguration parameter, all store local values are hidden in the item details page in InStore App.

Supported fields:

  • 'UseBy'

  • 'ScaleLabel'

  • 'Tare'

  • 'Origin'

  • 'CountryOfOrigin'

  • 'LabelText'

  • 'AlarmItem'

  • 'SelfService'

  • 'LocalControl'

  • 'Ordering'

  • 'WeightControl'


Changes in the menu (RTM-7023)
When the InStore App is configured to talk to cloud modules, the some of the menu content is changed to use the same terminology as the the cloud module.
Label ordering is changed to Label printing, and Item ordering is changed to Purchase order.

Goods receival

Quantity field in parcel receival (RTM-7169)
The quantity field can be edited in Receive goods, when receiving a parcel.

Item search in Goods receival (RTM-7160)
In Goods receival, it is possible to search for items. Items that are not part of the order/parcel can be added.

Order picking

Shipment mail and SMS are send when orders are paid and delivered (RTM-7296)

Mail and SMS are sent to the customer when the everything in the order is paid and delivered.

Sales order

Error popup when Coopay fails (RTM-7087)

When finishing a sale with Coopay, without access to the SignalR hub in Payment Service or with an invalid token, an error popup is shown and the Coopay payment is still proceeded.

InStore App v. 2.10.294

Released April 30th 2024




Goods receival

Item search in Goods receival (RTM-7160)
In Goods receival, it is possible to search for items. Items that are not part of the order/parcel can be added.

InStore App v. 2.10.293

Date: 16 Feb 2024

Filter by order type in Order picking


When clicking the filter icon, a popup with filter options is shown.

Orders can be filtered by order type, and there is an option to show delivered orders. If any filtering is selected, the order type icon is shown next to the filter icon, with the number of filters applied.

 Sorting in Order picking


The orders in order picking can be sorted by Created date or Pick up date. Sorting can be done on the delivered orders as well.





Changes in the menu (RTM-7023)

When the InStore App is configured to talk to cloud modules, the some of the menu content is changed to use the same terminology as the the cloud module.
Label ordering is changed to Label printing, and Item ordering is changed to Purchase order.

Sales order

Error popup when Coopay fails (RTM-7087)

When finishing a sale with Coopay, without access to the SignalR hub in Payment Service or with an invalid token, an error popup is shown and the Coopay payment is still proceeded.

InStore App v. 2.10.292

Document status:

Date: 26 Jan 2024

Order picking - Pick up in store (Central Warehouse)


Orders of the type Pick up in store Central Warehouse can be picked in InStore App, in the selected pickup store.
These orders are named Pick up in store (CW). The order will be visible in Instore App with status “Pending arrival” when the central warehouse has sent the items.

The order can be partially picked and set aside, for the picking to resume later. The order will still have the status Pending arrival, and only the unpicked items are available for picking the next time items from the central warehouse arrive.

Placement selection when finishing or pausing a picking order

With the system parameter RegisterPlacementInOrderPicking set to True, it is possible to input a location for where the paused or completed picking order is placed.

nShift CreateShipment method


The CreateShipment method allows the order number to be printed on the shipping and return labels.
TrackingURL and e-mail address are present in the method, but are not printed on the label.

Filter by order type in Order picking


When clicking the filter icon, a popup with filter options is shown.

Orders can be filtered by order type, and there is an option to show delivered orders. If any filtering is selected, the order type icon is shown next to the filter icon, with the number of filters applied.

Order picking - Pick up in store (Central Warehouse)


Orders of the type Pick up in store Central Warehouse can be picked in InStore App, in the selected pickup store.
These orders are named Pick up in store (CW). The order will be visible in Instore App with status Pending arrival when the central warehouse has sent the items.

The order can be partially picked and set aside, for the picking to resume later. The order will still have the status Pending arrival, and only the unpicked items are available for picking the next time items from the central warehouse arrive.

Placement selection when finishing or pausing a picking order

With the system parameter RegisterPlacementInOrderPicking set to True, it is possible to input a location for where the paused or completed picking order is placed.





ItemDetailsConfiguration parameter (RTM-7126)

If more than one store local field is set to hidden in the ItemDetailsConfiguration parameter, all store local values are hidden in the item details page in InStore App.

Supported fields:

  • 'UseBy'

  • 'ScaleLabel'

  • 'Tare'

  • 'Origin'

  • 'CountryOfOrigin'

  • 'LabelText'

  • 'AlarmItem'

  • 'SelfService'

  • 'LocalControl'

  • 'Ordering'

  • 'WeightControl'


Improvements to scanner and keyboard (RTM-6407)

The keyboard can be closed by clicking on the background.
Issues with the scanner was fixed in "Item ordering", "Order criteria" and "Stock lookup".

Scanning items when side menu is opened (RTM-3920)

If the side menu is opened during scanning items, the menu is closed and items are added properly to the transaction that the user is working on.

Item details

Input validation on Edit item fields (RTM-6779)

When editing item fields, there is validation to secure that the inputted value is in the correct format.

Minimum order quantity is displayed in Item Details (RTM-6542)

A new field for Minimum order quantity in Item Details is added. When opening Item details, Item Service is called to get the order ability details. If the item can be ordered, the minimum order quantity is shown. If the item cannot be order '-' is shown.

Confirmed orders are shown in item details (RTM-6539)

In the Orders section in Item details, orders with status Confirmed are shown. Orders with status Submitted and Edited are shown as well. For Last goods receival only order with status Done are displayed.

Item ordering

Item ordering for Cloud transactions (RTM-6929)

  • If there is no minimum order quantity on the item in Item Management, the quantity will be filled out with with the Quantity in supplier package. The quantity can be changed to a lower quantity.

  • If Break bulk is true, the quantity can be set to any quantity.

  • If Break bulk is false, the Quantity in supplier package must be ordered as a minimum - or increased by the quantity in the supplier package.

Login and permission

Login with PIN to InStore App (RTM-6860)

A new InStore App permission, InStorePinLoginAllowed, is added to the permissions management page. With this role assigned, AD-users can login to InStore App with their cashier number and cashier PIN.
PIN login will have a lower security level, so users with this permission should have their other permissions as restricted as necessary. Non-AD users must login with their password as before.

Upgrade script to the database is required for this change.

Sales order

Receipt selection popup cannot be closed (RTM-6709)

When completing a sales order, the popup for selecting the receipt type for the customer, cannot be closed. The receipt type must be selected for the sale to be completed.

InStore App v. 2.10.2891

05 Apr 2024




Order picking

Picking order removed from InStore App when cancelled in POS (RTM-6944)

When a Reserve in store/Click and collect order is deleted in POS, the order is Cancelled in Chain Web and the picking order is no longer visible in InStore App.

InStore App v. 2.10.287

Document status:

Date: 29 Feb 2024




Order picking

Shipment mail and SMS are send when orders are paid and delivered (RTM-7296)

Mail and SMS are sent to the customer when the everything in the order is paid and delivered.

InStore App v. 2.10.286

Document status:

Date: 26 Feb 2024




Goods receival

Quantity field in parcel receival (RTM-7169)
The quantity field can be edited in Receive goods, when receiving a parcel.

Item search in Goods receival (RTM-7160)
In Goods receival, it is possible to search for items. Items that are not part of the order/parcel can be added.

InStore App v. 2.10.284

Document status:

Date: 06 Feb 2024

Filter by order type in Order picking


When clicking the filter icon, a popup with filter options is shown.

Orders can be filtered by order type, and there is an option to show delivered orders. If any filtering is selected, the order type icon is shown next to the filter icon, with the number of filters applied.

nShift CreateShipment method


The CreateShipment method allows the order number to be printed on the shipping and return labels.
TrackingURL and e-mail address are present in the method, but are not printed on the label.




Item ordering

Item ordering for Cloud transactions (RTM-6929)

  • If there is no minimum order quantity on the item in Item Management, the quantity will be filled out with with the Quantity in supplier package. The quantity can be changed to a lower quantity.

  • If Break bulk is true, the quantity can be set to any quantity.

  • If Break bulk is false, the Quantity in supplier package must be ordered as a minimum - or increased by the quantity in the supplier package.

Sales order

Error popup when Coopay fails (RTM-7087)

When finishing a sale with Coopay, without access to the SignalR hub in Payment Service or with an invalid token, an error popup is shown and the Coopay payment is still proceeded.

InStore App v. 2.10.283

Document status:

Date: 25 Jan 2024





ItemDetailsConfiguration parameter (RTM-7126)

If more than one store local field is set to hidden in the ItemDetailsConfiguration parameter, all store local values are hidden in the item details page in InStore App.

Supported fields:

  • 'UseBy'

  • 'ScaleLabel'

  • 'Tare'

  • 'Origin'

  • 'CountryOfOrigin'

  • 'LabelText'

  • 'AlarmItem'

  • 'SelfService'

  • 'LocalControl'

  • 'Ordering'

  • 'WeightControl'

InStore App v. 2.10.282

Document status:

Date: 05 Jan 2024




Item details

Input validation on Edit item fields (RTM-6779)
When editing item fields, there is validation to secure that the inputted value is in the correct format.

Minimum order quantity is displayed in Item Details (RTM-6542)
A new field for Minimum order quantity in Item Details is added. When opening Item details, Item Service is called to get the order ability details. If the item can be ordered, the minimum order quantity is shown. If the item cannot be order '-' is shown.

Confirmed orders are shown in item details (RTM-6539)
In the Orders section in Item details, orders with status Confirmed are shown. Orders with status Submitted and Edited are shown as well. For Last goods receival only order with status Done are displayed.

Sales order

Receipt selection popup cannot be closed (RTM-6709)
When completing a sales order, the popup for selecting the receipt type for the customer, cannot be closed. The receipt type must be selected for the sale to be completed.

InStore App v. 2.10.281

Document status:

Date: 12 Dec 2023





Improvements to scanner and keyboard (RTM-6407)

The keyboard can be closed by clicking on the background.
Issues with the scanner was fixed in "Item ordering", "Order criteria" and "Stock lookup".

Scanning items when side menu is opened (RTM-3920)

If the side menu is opened during scanning items, the menu is closed and items are added properly to the transaction that the user is working on.


Login with PIN to InStore App (RTM-6860)

A new InStore App permission, InStorePinLoginAllowed, is added to the permissions management page. With this role assigned, AD-users can login to InStore App with their cashier number and cashier PIN.
PIN login will have a lower security level, so users with this permission should have their other permissions as restricted as necessary. Non-AD users must login with their password as before.

Upgrade script to the database is required for this change.

InStore App v. 2.10.280

Document status:

Date: 06 Dec 2023

Item ordering with Item Service in the cloud


When Item Service is configured with information about order units (trading and consumer units), it can be used for adding item in InStore App. The new flow replaces the small and large package data fetched from POS WCF, but keeps the classic UI. In order to use the flow, following configuration parameters have to be set properly:

  • CloudOnlyTransactions have to include ArticleOrder

  • ItemServiceApiUri (from are ItemService) have to be correct URL to cloud ItemService

Order units will be fetched from cloud service and when item is scanned or added from search, all order units are available for order will be listed and user could choose which ones to add.

Each package has its own EAN/GTIN and it is remembered and reused when adding item to cart. Each order unit can be configured with minimum order quantity. If item is not in cart, it will be added with minimum order quantity, otherwise quantity will be increased by 1. If quantity is reduced below this minimum value, order unit is automatically removed from the cart.

Default TUs are marked and selected and put on the top of the list. If there is no default TUs and CU cannot be ordered, none of the TUs are selected and Next button is hidden until at least one item is chosen.

Old flow (when CloudOnlyTransactions parameter is not set to ArticleOrder) works as before.




Access control

Detailed access control for Receive goods (RTM-6652)

The access to Goods Receival in InStore App is now controlled by 4 new permissions. 3 new roles and 3 new licenses are added. One existing license and role (Receipt of goods) is changed and applies to Receive manually transaction. It is possible to control access to different parts of Goods receival by using the new permissions. When the user has no access to Receive goods, Receive goods is not displayed in the side menu in InStore App. When user has access to at least one transaction of Receive goods, Receive goods is displayed in the side menu and the transaction that the user has access to is displayed.

Upgrade script to database is required.


Fixed issue in quantity field (RTM-6473)
It is possible to set a decimal value on weight items in all transactions, where weight items can be added.
When 0 is set in a transactions where 0 is not permitted, the value jumps back to the previous value after 6 seconds.

Item details

Error message when opening orders (RTM-6422)

When 'Orders' were opened from Item details, an error message popup was shown if there were no open orders for that item.
Now the error message is removed, and the use can navigate back to Item details when there are no orders.

Item ordering

Sales unit of scanned item (RTM-6752)
In Item ordering, when scanning an item, the sales unit is shown.

Order picking

Spaces in mobile number when picking orders (RTM-6802)
When mobile phone number includes spaces, error is not thrown anymore during picking orders.

Receive goods

Small fix in search for procurement order (RTM-6761)
When the user presses enter in the search field in Receive Goods, the search does not fail if the user is very quick.

Package receival using Procurement Service API in the cloud (RTM-6268)

Information about package and line number is present in the POSlog.
The ItemOrderReference section in POSlog is replaced with ArticleDockingAreaDetails.

In ArticleDockingAreaDetails there are four fields:

  • ItemOrderNumber - order number for the purchase order for this item

  • ItemOrderLineNumber - item line number in purchase order

  • OrderDespatchAdviceReference - parcel number for the purchase order

  • OrderDespatchAdviceLineNumber - item line number in parcel

InStore App v. 2.10.273

Document status:

Date: 24 Jan 2024




Item ordering

Sales unit of scanned item (RTM-6752)
In Item ordering, when scanning an item, the sales unit is shown.

Order picking

Spaces in mobile number when picking orders (RTM-6802)
When mobile phone number includes spaces, error is not thrown anymore during picking orders.

InStore App v. 2.10.272

Document status:

Date: 23 Nov 2023

Item ordering with Item Service in the cloud


When Item Service is configured with information about order units (trading and consumer units), it can be used for adding item in InStore App. The new flow replaces the small and large package data fetched from POS WCF, but keeps the classic UI. In order to use the flow, following configuration parameters have to be set properly:

  • CloudOnlyTransactions have to include ArticleOrder

  • ItemServiceApiUri (from are ItemService) have to be correct URL to cloud ItemService

Order units will be fetched from cloud service and when item is scanned or added from search, all order units are available for order will be listed and user could choose which ones to add.

Each package has its own EAN/GTIN and it is remembered and reused when adding item to cart. Each order unit can be configured with minimum order quantity. If item is not in cart, it will be added with minimum order quantity, otherwise quantity will be increased by 1. If quantity is reduced below this minimum value, order unit is automatically removed from the cart.

Default TUs are marked and selected and put on the top of the list. If there is no default TUs and CU cannot be ordered, none of the TUs are selected and Next button is hidden until at least one item is chosen.

Old flow (when CloudOnlyTransactions parameter is not set to ArticleOrder) works as before.





Fixed issue in quantity field (RTM-6473)

It is possible to set a decimal value on weight items in all transactions, where weight items can be added.

When 0 is set in a transactions where 0 is not permitted, the value jumps back to the previous value after 6 seconds.

Receive goods

Small fix in search for procurement order (RTM-6761)

When the user presses enter in the search field in Receive Goods, the search does not fail if the user is very quick.

Package receival using Procurement Service API in the cloud (RTM-6268)

Information about package and line number is present in the POSlog.
The ItemOrderReference section in POSlog is replaced with ArticleDockingAreaDetails.

In ArticleDockingAreaDetails there are four fields:

  • ItemOrderNumber - order number for the purchase order for this item

  • ItemOrderLineNumber - item line number in purchase order

  • OrderDespatchAdviceReference - parcel number for the purchase order

  • OrderDespatchAdviceLineNumber - item line number in parcel

InStore App v. 2.10.271

Document status:

Date: 10 Nov 2023




Item details

Error message when opening orders (RTM-6422)

When 'Orders' were opened from Item details, an error message popup was shown if there were no open orders for that item.
Now the error message is removed, and the use can navigate back to Item details when there are no orders.

InStore App v. 2.10.270

Document status:

Date: 25 Oct 2023

Print return label for dispatch order


New system parameter was added PrintReturnShippingLabels (upgrade script required). Default value is False.

When parameter is set to True, return label is generated together with shipping label. If set to False - only shipping label is printed.

New field in Print Order view was added with information whether return label will be printed or not.





Connection to multiple Chain proxies (RTM-6347)

Support for multiple Chain servers with direct proxy calls from InStore App to Chain Classic. InStore App will know which Chain server to communicate with based on POS Config: ProxyConnectionString.

Label order

Sending Label orders from InStore App (RTM-4015)

After logging to InStore with browser, Label order confirmation view was not displayed correctly. Issue is corrected.

Order picking

Duplicated picking orders (RTM-6443)

After rejection of the picking order and reassigning to another store after that, picking orders were duplicated in Chain Web. Issue is corrected.

Seasonal storage

Missing fields in Seasonal Storage confirming view (RTM-6346)

Fixed issue regarding displaying all fields in confirming view in Seasonal Storage - Put Away. The "comment" section has been re added.

System parameter

Empty value in ProcurementApiUri parameter (RTM-6250)

When parameter ProcurementApiUri parameter was empty, error during Picking Order transaction was thrown. After correction, the issue no longer occurs.

InStore App v. 2.10.263

Document status:

Date: 02 Jan 2024

Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Item details

Input validation on Edit item fields (RTM-6779)
When editing item fields, there is validation to secure that the inputted value is in the correct format.

Sales order

Receipt selection popup cannot be closed (RTM-6709)
When completing a sales order, the popup for selecting the receipt type for the customer, cannot be closed. The receipt type must be selected for the sale to be completed.

InStore App v. 2.10.262

Document status:

Date: 09 Oct 2023

Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Connection to multiple Chain proxies (RTM-6347)

Support for multiple Chain servers with direct proxy calls from InStore App to Chain Classic. InStore App will know which Chain server to communicate with based on POS Config: ProxyConnectionString.

Label order

Sending Label orders from InStore App (RTM-4015)

After logging to InStore with browser, Label order confirmation view was not displayed correctly. Issue is corrected.

Seasonal storage

Missing fields in Seasonal Storage confirming view (RTM-6346)

Fixed issue regarding displaying all fields in confirming view in Seasonal Storage - Put Away. The "comment" section has been re added.

System parameter

Empty value in ProcurementApiUri parameter (RTM-6250)

When parameter ProcurementApiUri parameter was empty, error during Picking Order transaction was thrown. After correction, the issue no longer occurs.

InStore App v. 2.10.261

Document status:

Date: 06 Sep 2023

Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Print Labels from Item Management using InStore App


ItemService API was integrated for label printing. Existing parameter CloudOnlyTransactions was updated and new value LabelOrder can be set. To use label printing in cloud, LabelOrder must be set and parameter ItemServiceApiUri must contain Url of ItemService.

With this configuration, it is possible to order labels with InStore App and have them in printed from Item Management. In Label ordering it is not possible to choose quantity (only label type). This will be implemented at a later stage.

Also in item details it is possible to add more label types but not quantity.

In More bottomsheet it is possible to change label type, popup is shown and only label type can be changed (not quantity).

When parameter CloudOnlyTransactions doesn't contain LabelOrder, old flow is remains as is - quantity can be set and Label queue is displayed as it was before and the integration is with Chain Classic.

Fetching Last goods receival in Item details


Fetching Last goods receival for an item from ProcurementService in the Item details was implemented.

Url to Procurement Service must be set in parameter ProcurementApiUri. Parameter CloudOnlyTransactions must contain DockingArea.

If there are confirmed orders in ProcurementService, the last delivery date for an item is displayed. To view Last goods receival, Orders in Stock section must be clicked.

Fetching top open orders in Item details


Integration with ProcurementService to get top open orders for item in Item details view.

Url to Procurement Service must be set in parameter ProcurementApiUri. Parameter CloudOnlyTransactions must contain DockingArea.

If there are submitted or edited orders in ProcurementService, 5 with the latest delivery date are displayed in Item details. To view 5 top open orders, Orders in Stock section must be clicked. Status and type of order are also displayed.

Fetch procurement orders


New parameter ProcurementApiUri was added. Url to Procurement Service must be set.

Upgrade script to DB required.

ProcurementService for fetching orders in Goods receival was integrated in InStore App. When parameter CloudOnlyTransactions is set to DockingArea, transactions: Receive manually and External orders are not supported.

It is possible to search for orders/parcels, start transactions, display items and change item's quantity. Rest of the flow will be implemented (confirming transactions, updating list of orders/parcels, etc.)

When parameter CloudOnlyTransactions is not set to DockingArea, old flow of Receive Goods is fetched.

Reprinting shipping label for dispatch orders


Implementation for reprint of shipping labels for dispatch orders added. New button "Show picked orders" in Order picking transaction is added at the bottom of order list.

In "Picked orders" view 10 recent delivered orders are shown. It is possible to load 10 more orders by clicking "Load more" button.

After opening an order, list of picked items is shown. Reprint is possible in "Delivery information" popup only for dispatch orders - button "Print shipping label" is added. For P&C and C&C orders only viewing delivery information is possible.

After clicking Print shipping label button, "Reprint label" view is shown and user can choose label format for reprint.

After finishing transaction, popup with confirmation occurs.

Store local values


Support for store local valued was implemented.

In Item Details new section Store local values was added.

New button Edit item details inMore bottomsheet” was added and it is possible to editStore local values section.





Fixed scanner in InStore App (RTM-5889)

An issue occurred, which caused Zebra scanner not to initialize after login. The device scanner was fixed. After logging in to InStore App, scanner works properly.

Item details

"Orders" page is blocked when there is no receival for an item (RTM-3883)

When there is no receival in Chain Classic and no latest order for an item, Orders (before "Ordered") view is not displayed and information that no orders were found is shown.

Label ordering

Resume paused label ordering (RTM-5389)

Corrected an issue regarding resuming paused label ordering.

Order picking

Show created date in order picking (RTM-5638)

For dispatch orders in picking orders, when user reassigns dispatch order to another store, date of reassigned order in new store is created date (not picking order date). This way, the user will see that this is an old order and is more likely to take action quickly.

Receive goods

Support for manual receival of goods in cloud (RTM-6070)

It is possible to perform a manual goods receival in InStore App, where it is updated in the Procurement module instead of Chain Classic.

Quantity in Procurement order (goods receival) (RTM-6178)

When fetching procurement orders in InStore remainingQuantity is displayed (not original). Items with remainingQuantity == 0 are ignored. If all items in the order have remainingQuantity == 0 order is not displayed at all. RemainingQuantity is equal to originalQuantity before any receival was performed.

Seasonal storage

Executing seasonal storage (RTM-6086)

We have fixed an issue with seasonal storage lists from InStore App not being executed as expected in Chain Web.

Stock correction

Counted field is marked automatically (RTM-5789)

Counted field in Stock correction is marked automatically, so it would be faster to type total quantity of item when user is not scanning all items.

Stock lookup

Searching for items in Stock Lookup (RTM-5309)

Corrected an issue regarding searching for model items (with more than 100 models) in stock lookup (in store with more than 50 related stores). Previously, these conditions would cause the search to time out.

InStore App v. 2.10.252

Document status:

Date: 19 Sep 2023

Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Fixed scanner in InStore App (RTM-5889)

An issue occurred, which caused Zebra scanner not to initialize after login. The device scanner was fixed. After logging in to InStore App, scanner works properly.

InStore App v. 2.10.251

Document status:

Date: 23 Jun 2023

Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Item lists integrated with Cloud Item Management


New parameter CloudOnlyTransactions was added. Only possible value is ArticleList. Upgrade script to DB required. Existing parameter ItemServiceApiUri need to be set with ItemService URL.

Popup for name of Item list was added. Name is required.

Name can be changed during transaction. In More bottomsheet new option Edit name was added.

Item list is not visible in Item Management in cloud until it's finished. POSLogs are not generated.





Improved color and size attributes for model items (RTM-5788)

Color and size attributes are displayed only for items which have these attributes. Otherwise color and size are not shown. Previously, sizes and colors were shown for all items, regardless of whether or not it was relevant for the item.

Improved image formatting (RTM-5381)

Image is adjusted to maximum size limit. If picture is bigger than limit, size is scaled to it. If picture is smaller, size is kept as it is. All information in specific view and edit boxes are accessible without scrolling the page.

Improvements regarding closing action sheet and adding label types in Label ordering (RTM-4851)

'More' bottomsheet in every transaction in InStore App can be closed by clicking on the background or clicking cancel button. When action sheet is long (like the one in Home page) it is scrollable and also can be closed by clicking on the background.

More whitespace was added between 'Add label type' button and 'Delete' buttons while adding more label types for an item in Label ordering, to prevent clicking both buttons at the same time.

Counted field is marked automatically (RTM-5789)

Counted field in Stock correction is marked automatically, so it would be faster to type total quantity of item when user is not scanning all items.


Login to InStore App with login card (RTM-5549)

Fixed issue regarding login to InStore App with barcode which contains cashier number and password: cashiernumber$$$Password. Example: 1234$$$1111.

Order picking

Upgrade contract for CreateShipment, TransmitShipment (RTM-5440)

Contracts CreateShipment and TransmitShipment were upgraded. New field called "PickingStoreNumber" was added to these contracts in order to support multiple nShift actors.

Fixed searching in order picking (RTM-2424)

'X' button in search field in order picking was fixed. While clicking 'X' button entire typed text is removed and loading results is quicker. When user will change search criteria while loading list of orders, results for last typed criteria are displayed.


Updating quantity in Quick stocktaking (RTM-5589)

When user types quantity of an item in Quick stocktaking and approve the value very quickly it previously caused the quantity to not be updated correctly. This has been corrected.

InStore App v. 2.10.249

Document status:

Date: 07 Dec 2023




Access control

Detailed access control for Receive goods (RTM-6652)

The access to Goods Receival in InStore App is now controlled by 4 new permissions. 3 new roles and 3 new licenses are added. One existing license and role (Receipt of goods) is changed and applies to Receive manually transaction. It is possible to control access to different parts of Goods receival by using the new permissions. When the user has no access to Receive goods, Receive goods is not displayed in the side menu in InStore App. When user has access to at least one transaction of Receive goods, Receive goods is displayed in the side menu and the transaction that the user has access to is displayed.

Upgrade script to database is required.

Item details

Error message when opening orders (RTM-6422)

When 'Orders' were opened from Item details, an error message popup was shown if there were no open orders for that item.
Now the error message is removed, and the use can navigate back to Item details when there are no orders.

Seasonal storage

Executing seasonal storage (RTM-6086)

We have fixed an issue with seasonal storage lists from InStore App not being executed as expected in Chain Web.

InStore App v. 2.10.248

Document status:

Date: 23 Oct 2023




Order picking

Duplicated picking orders

After rejection of the picking order and reassigning to another store after that, picking orders were duplicated in Chain Web. Issue is corrected.

InStore App v. 2.10.246

Document status:

Date: 04 Aug 2023




Label ordering

Resume paused label ordering (RTM-5389)

Corrected an issue regarding resuming paused label ordering.

Order picking

Show created date in order picking (RTM-5638)

For dispatch orders in picking orders, when user reassigns dispatch order to another store, date of reassigned order in new store is created date (not picking order date). This way, the user will see that this is an old order and is more likely to take action quickly.

Stock lookup

Searching for items in Stock Lookup (RTM-5309)

Corrected an issue regarding searching for model items (with more than 100 models) in stock lookup (in store with more than 50 related stores). Previously, these conditions would cause the search to time out.

InStore App v. 2.10.245

Document status:

Date: 14 Jul 2023

Reprinting shipping label for dispatch orders


Implementation for reprint of shipping labels for dispatch orders added. New button "Show picked orders" in Order picking transaction is added at the bottom of order list.

In "Picked orders" view 10 recent delivered orders are shown. It is possible to load 10 more orders by clicking "Load more" button.

After opening an order, list of picked items is shown. Reprint is possible in "Delivery information" popup only for dispatch orders - button "Print shipping label" is added. For Pay and Collect and Click and Collect orders, only viewing delivery information is possible.

After clicking "Print shipping label" button, "Reprint label" view is shown and user can choose label format for reprint.

After finishing transaction, popup with confirmation occurs.





Fixed scanner in InStore App (RTM-5889)

An issue occurred, which caused Zebra scanner not to initialize after login. The device scanner was fixed. After logging in to InStore App, scanner works properly.

InStore App v. 2.10.243

Document status:

Date: 14 Jun 2023

Item lists integrated with Cloud Item Management


New parameter CloudOnlyTransactions was added. Only possible value is ArticleList. Upgrade script to DB required. Existing parameter ItemServiceApiUri need to be set with ItemService URL.

Popup for name of Item list was added. Name is required.

Name can be changed during transaction. In More bottomsheet new option Edit name was added.

Item list is not visible in Item Management in cloud until it's finished. POSLogs are not generated.





Improved color and size attributes for model items (RTM-5788)
Color and size attributes are displayed only for items which have these attributes. Otherwise color and size are not shown. Previously, sizes and colors were shown for all items, regardless of whether or not it was relevant for the item.

Order picking

Upgrade contract for CreateShipment, TransmitShipment (RTM-5440)
Contracts CreateShipment and TransmitShipment were upgraded. New field called "PickingStoreNumber" was added to these contracts in order to support multiple nShift actors.

InStore App v. 2.10.242

Document status:

Date: 29 May 2023





Improved image formatting (RTM-5381)

Image is adjusted to maximum size limit. If picture is bigger than limit, size is scaled to it. If picture is smaller, size is kept as it is. All information in specific view and edit boxes are accessible without scrolling the page.

Improvements regarding closing action sheet and adding label types in Label ordering (RTM-4851)

'More' bottomsheet in every transaction in InStore App can be closed by clicking on the background or clicking cancel button. When action sheet is long (like the one in Home page) it is scrollable and also can be closed by clicking on the background.

More whitespace was added between 'Add label type' button and 'Delete' buttons while adding more label types for an item in Label ordering, to prevent clicking both buttons at the same time.

Order picking

Fixed searching in order picking (RTM-2424)

'X' button in search field in order picking was fixed. While clicking 'X' button entire typed text is removed and loading results is quicker. When user will change search criteria while loading list of orders, results for last typed criteria are displayed.

InStore App v. 2.10.241

Document status:

Date: 28 Apr 2023

Showing estimated date of arrival at central warehouse was added


When clicking "Orders" in the Item details view, webservice is called and new information - Estimated date of arrival at central warehouse - is shown. Estimated date is always the earliest order's delivery date at central warehouse.


POS Services upgrade.
OrderInfoService_Enterprise endpoint must exists and be uncommented in Web.config of Chain Web for this to work.

New parameter to fetch images based on URL added


New parameter InStoreFetchImageURL was added. If parameter is not configured (default value = blank), Mediabank is fetched (as it was before). When URL is set (for example:\


.jpg) image based on URL is fetched. The {0} in URL will be replaced with MainEAN if it exists, otherwise the EAN.

Upgrade script to DB required.

New parameter in Internal orders ("Find parcel") in Receive goods added.


New parameter BlockQuantityChangeInParcelReceival was added. If parameter is set to False - no changes, default received quantity is 0 and is mutable. If parameter is set to True - received quantity is by default equal to ordered and cannot be changed, it is impossible to add new items manually, scanning is not supported.

This means the only options the user will have when performing item receival from the "find parcel" function, is to either accept full delivery of items or decline it. If the contents does not match the parcel information, stock adjustments must be made manually after the receival.

Upgrade script to DB required.





Error login in InStore app using version 1.3.9 (RTM-5703)

A compatibility issue with InStore App version 1.3.9 and Chain Web 2.10.21x was detected. The issue only occurs for environment which connects to InStore App using 4G network setup. This has been corrected.

Fixed fetching images from external sources (RTM-5573)

Fixed issue regarding Content-Security-Policy. URL is mapped correctly for the configured parameter InStoreFetchImageURL and image is loaded properly.

Performance improvement (RTM-5443)

Improved filtering and handling of item lines to improve general performance and user experience of InStore App.

Empty value for parameter InStoreFetchImageURL (RTM-5681)

An issue occurred when InStoreFetchImageURL had no value set. When parameter InStoreFetchImageURL is empty or whitespace is set, InStore App will now fetch images from Mediabank. No changes was made when setting parameter to URL.

Item details

Changes for displaying of estimated date of arrival to central warehouse (RTM-5597)

If there are order scheduled to the current store estimated delivery date is not displayed. If there are no orders to the current store - ERP return order without number and with CL as a type and date from this order is displayed as estimated delivery date and no orders are shown. This change only applies to 3rd party integration.

OrderInfoService_Enterprise endpoint must exists and be uncommented in Web.config of Chain Web for this to work.

Label order

'Label' text removed from label quantity field (RTM-3775)

Text 'label' was removed from all places where label quantity must be typed while Label order.

Order picking

Reducing picking quantity throws error message (RTM-4467)

When reducing quantity to 0 in Order Picking, total item quantity is correctly reassigned to other store, no error message occurs.

Seasonal storage

Fixed header in 'Seasonal storage (RTM-5506)

The Swedish header in 'Seasonal storage - Put back' is no longer cut while using Zebra device.

Block double put back from seasonal storage (RTM-5247)

Multiple put back in InStore App on the same seasonal storage batch is blocked.
After performing put back, slider is blocked, which prevents user from making an error.

Sales order

Correct price for member campaign is displayed in InStore App (RTM-3497)

Fixed issue regarding displaying correct item price while scanning/adding member with member campaign.


Updating quantity in Quick stocktaking (RTM-5589)

When user types quantity of an item in Quick stocktaking and approve the value very quickly it previously caused the quantity to not be updated correctly. This has been corrected.

InStore App v. 2.10.230

Document status:

Date: 27 Mar 2023

Local Price campaigns in InStore App


New functionality is added which allows user to create a local campaign for an item, meaning the price change will apply only for the store you are in and a set period of time. Upon creating a local campaign, the price update is sent to Chain Classic and Lexmark. The local campaign button can be found in the menu "Price control".

In Local Campaign view, user can change price for item and set start and end dates.
To set new price, tap on the field near "New price" and type number. To apply start and end date, tap on near fields and set wanted date.
After configuring local campaign, swipe confirm to create it. Updated price is sent to Chain Classic and Lexmark.

System parameter

To send updates to Lexmark system parameter: LexmarkGatewayApiUri must be set.

"External orders" in Receive goods


New button added to Receive goods. "External orders" shows only orders without parcel number. For external orders default value on received quantity is same as ordered.

InStore App landing page


New system parameter InStoreStartingPage was added. All transactions are supported. Value of this parameter is the name of transaction that is supposed to be used as starting page (Home is default value).

Redirect to landing page after initial configuration is fetched, after checking if user wants to resume the cart:

  • If they choose to resume, they should be redirected to that transaction (normal resume flow). After finishing it, they should be kept in that transaction (no redirect to home/landing page).

  • If they choose to cancel or there is no cart to resume, user should be redirected to the configured landing page.

Upgrade script to DB is required.





Fixed issue regarding using URL when redirecting after InStore login (RTM-5341)

After successful login to InStore or Kithchen App, user is redirected using relative path instead of absolute path, which makes it independent of server URL.

Connection issue on Android 11 or higher (RTM-5231)

Corrected a connection issue on Android 11 or higher.

Swedish translation for error message in stock info (RTM-4018)

Swedish translation for error message while collecting stock info was corrected.

Corrected displaying stock value for items with model (RTM-3686)

Fixed issues regarding displaying correct stock value while adding item with model in Item details, Price control, Stock lookup, Stock correction, Order criteria, Stocktaking.

Discount label

Discount percent in discount label is not cleared after scanning new item (RTM-3685)

Fixed issue regarding scanning new item after setting discount on previous one. Discount set on the first scanned item is not counted on the second item.

Order picking

Transmit shipment while order picking in InStore App (RTM-5054)

After picking dispatch order in InStore App, shipment label is created. It is possible to check status of shipment on by searching ConsignmentID which is generated on label. Status of the order is Transmitted.

Changed behavior of displaying name while picking orders delivery (RTM-5029)

Name while picking dispatch order, should be displayed as described below:

  • If (CustomerName = true and DeliveryName = true )

Then DisplayName = DeliveryName

  • If (CustomerName = true and DeliveryName = false)

Then DisplayName = CustomerName

Drop point of nShift shipment (RTM-4965)

It is possible to choose specific drop point and create shipping label with drop point address.

Receive goods

Checking items in Receive goods (RTM-5249)

Fixed issue regarding checking all items in order in Receive goods. The quantities of checked items are sent properly to Chain Classic.

Sales order

Campaign price in Sales order manual return (RTC-27050)

Campaign price is suggested as return price in Sales order when performing manual return.

If campaign price exists: Then use Campaign Price as suggested Price and show information about campaign price.
if not: Suggest Article Price.
Either: Show Article Price regardless underneath as information.

Stock correction

Changed behaviour for scanning items in "Stock correction" (RTM-2548)

Fixed issue regarding scanning same item multiple times with built-in scanner in "Stock correction". This change only applies "Stock correction" in InStore App.


Changed behaviour for cart item sorting (RTM-4786)

Fixed issue regarding POS parameter 'CartItemSorting'. When parameter is set to 'ChangeTime', the last added item is put at the top when counting items in stocktaking. This change only applies to stocktaking in InStore App. Other functions remain the same.

InStore App v. 2.10.229

Document status:

Date: 11 May 2023





Empty value for parameter InStoreFetchImageURL (RTM-5681)

An issue occurred when InStoreFetchImageURL had no value set. When parameter InStoreFetchImageURL is empty or whitespace is set, InStore App will now fetch images from Mediabank. No changes was made when setting parameter to URL.

InStore App v. 2.10.227

Document status:

Date: 12 Apr 2023





Fixed fetching images from external sources (RTM-5573)

Fixed issue regarding Content-Security-Policy. URL is mapped correctly for the configured parameter InStoreFetchImageURL and image is loaded properly.

InStore App v. 2.10.226

Document status:

Date: 24 Mar 2023

New parameter to fetch images based on URL added


New parameter InStoreFetchImageURL was added. If parameter is not configured (default value = blank), Mediabank is fetched (as it was before). When URL is set (for example:\


.jpg) image based on URL is fetched. The {0} in URL will be replaced with MainEAN if it exists, otherwise the EAN.

Upgrade script to DB required.

InStore App v. 2.10.224

Document status:

Date: 01 Mar 2023




Order picking

Transmit shipment while order picking in InStore App (RTM-5054)

After picking dispatch order in InStore App, shipment label is created. It is possible to check status of shipment on by searching ConsignmentID which is generated on label. Status of the order is Transmitted.

Drop point of nShift shipment (RTM-4965)

It is possible to choose specific drop point and create shipping label with drop point address.

InStore App v. 2.10.223

Document status:

Date: 14 Feb 2023





Fixed issue regarding using URL when redirecting after InStore login (RTM-5341)

After successful login to InStore or Kithchen App, user is redirected using relative path instead of absolute path, which makes it independent of server URL.

InStore App v. 2.10.221

Document status:

Date: 01 Feb 2023





Swedish translation for error message in stock info (RTM-4018)

Swedish translation for error message while collecting stock info was corrected.

Discount label

Discount percent in discount label is not cleared after scanning new item (RTM-3685)

Fixed issue regarding scanning new item after setting discount on previous one. Discount set on the first scanned item is not counted on the second item.

Receive goods

Checking items in Receive goods (RTM-5249)

Fixed issue regarding checking all items in order in Receive goods. The quantities of checked items are sent properly to Chain Classic.


Changed behaviour for cart item sorting (RTM-4786)

Fixed issue regarding POS parameter 'CartItemSorting'. When parameter is set to 'ChangeTime', the last added item is put at the top when counting items in stocktaking. This change only applies to stocktaking in InStore App. Other functions remain the same.

InStore App v. 2.10.220

Document status:

Date: 01 Feb 2023





Show Cost Price in Item Ordering (RTM-4926)

New parameter ShowCostPriceInCountItems was added. If transaction type is included in this parameter, cost price should be displayed on cart lines. Otherwise, sales price should be displayed.

Currently supported transactions: "Inventory" applies to Count Items and "ArticleOrder" applies to Item Ordering.

Previous parameter "ShowCostPriceInCountItems" was deleted.

Label ordering

Changing label type on Zebra device (RTM-4937)

Corrected an regarding changing label type on Zebra device.

Receive goods

Changing received quantity to 0 (RTM-4465)

An issue regarding receiving quantity 0 on bundle items in Receive Goods has been corrected.

Sales order

Member sales (RTM-5047)

Fixed issue regarding adding member to sales order.

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