Item attributes used in procurement
  • 10 Jul 2024
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Item attributes used in procurement

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Article summary

Attributes relevant for Order proposals should be set on the items in Item Management module.

Order proposals can only be created for items with the following conditions:

  • Auto replenishment set to True.

  • Ordering blocked set to False.

  • Can be ordered set to True.

  • Track stock changes for item set to True.

  • Supplier sales start date is null or earlier than now.

  • Supplier sales end date is null or later than now

In addition:

  • If minimum order quantity is defined the quantity is not smaller than given value.

  • If quantity in supplier package is defined and 'Break bulk' field is set to False, then quantity is a multiple of the given package size.

If quantity is not a multiple of package size but should be, there is an information written in red: 'Quantity must be a multiple of <number>'. If the quantity entered is not equal to at least minimum order quantity: 'Minimum order quantity is <number>'. The text is in orange. For items that cannot be ordered or for which the ordering is blocked but they are added to the draft order there is a validation visible in the line level: 'This item cannot be ordered now', 'Order contains items that cannot be ordered now.' in order level and 'Manual delivery contains item that cannot be ordered now' in delivery level.

Attributes on the item

Below you can see some screenshots of the attributes for Order proposal.

1.       Order point: Min/max order point should be configured in the Store assortment section.

2.       Procurement settings in the Procurement section: Can be ordered and Track stock changes for item must be set to True (checked).

3.       In the Procurement setting section Auto replenishment must be set, Ordering blocked should not be set.

4.       In the Sales date section the  Supplier sales start date is null or earlier than now. Supplier sales end date is null or later than now.


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