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Item Management release notes
Coming next release
Fix for: Store price grid timeouts (RTC-42173)
The performance of the store price grid has been improved, there are no timeouts and filtering is faster
Release 2024-11-05
Fix for: Performance of the item information API is bad (RTC-44602)
Item information API (/api/gateway/Item/GetItemsByItemIdentifiers) performance has been significantly improved.
Shelf area and type register (RTC-42201)
A Shelf register has been added to the registers view in which, there are Shelf area and Shelf type tabs. Access to these registers is filtered via view and manage registers permission. A user with the appropriate permissions can add, edit, or delete data in those the registers. They contain a code and a name. Both registers support country specific names. The list of languages, for which data can be provided, is taken from the system parameters. When adding a new value or editing an existing one, user must fill in the name field for all supported languages, as they are mandatory. It is not possible to edit the code field.
While adding and editing, the field for name is displayed for each supported language. Meanwhile the grid shows the name for one of them, which belongs to the country set as default in the country register. If there is no value for the default language, a value for another currently available one is randomly selected and displayed in the register to prevent an empty field. Shelf area and shelf type used by any shelf location are not removable, user will be informed about it by a message.
Fix: New retail price does not trigger price suggestion for a profile (RTC-43727)
The price suggestion for the profile is not created if only the retail price or both the retail and wholesale prices are changed. Only importing different wholesale price will trigger creating price suggestion on profile level. After mass approving rows in price control, they disappear from grid and are not showing up again, unless new wholesale price will be imported.
Fix for: Store user cannot change profile price in price control (RTC-43600)
A user with store role and "Approve prices" permission can view and approve/reject price suggestions for the level (profile or store) that they have access to.
If a user has access only to a specific store, they will not be able to view/approve price suggestions for the profile. The "Store group level" drop-down is already preselected for that user.
System parameter for Pricer plaza (RTC-43637)
Authentication to the Pricer system has been changed from logging in via username and password to an API key. The field for placing the API key is called “Pricer API key”, the field on the URL to which the key will link to retrieve the authorization token is “Authorization URL”. In the field “Url for Pricer plaza the link of the Pricer system” must be placed to which labels will be sent. In order for the labels to be correctly sent to the Pricer system, all fields must be completed with correct data.
Fix: Not empty product features cause validation errors (RTC-44579)
Importing RIGAL file, which contains text field with Product Features, results in data being assigned to current default language set in system.
Release 2024-10-17
Item is not activated when importing with SupplierPrices ruleset (RTC-42939)
When inactive item is imported with SupplierPrices ruleset, it is rejected in import and has a warning 'Item is inactive'. Rejection is performed as automatically set status to 'Rejected' of the import row after validation is completed. This status is by default hidden in the import details. No changes included in rejected import are made to the item.
In situation that only inactive items are imported in one import, it is automatically marked as 'done' and all rows are 'rejected', but if some of the imported items are active, they will be by default visible and can be imported.
Dictionaries serialization (RTC-43234)
After updating the library, JSON displays values "language code" : "text in language" correctly in Swagger of Item Service.
Release 2024-10-16
External changes field (RTC-44246)
A new attribute "External changes" has been added to the "Details" page in the "Change history" section. It shows how many times that item has been updated in master data system. This attribute will be visible to the user only, if the item has any value. The value for "External changes" can be imported and exported via 3rd party (JSON).
Best before flag in Item details (RTC-42976)
There is new item attribute - flag "Best before" which is visible in the Item details, in Food section. By default it has value 'False', but if existing item had value in 'Shelf life', flag is marked as 'True'. "Best before" flag can be a store local attribute and is added in store local values tab.
Flag can be imported (from 3rd party and Excel) and exported (to Excel and 3rd party) both as common and store local value.
Scale labels - Myhrvold and Strongpoint are now tracking "Best before" flag. It's value is exported along with other scales data in Item.Label.Export. If on item store local value for "Best before", it is taken into account for that specific store.
Item hierarchy names in multiple languages (RTC-34204)
The item hierarchy attribute names are displayed for supported languages in the Details page, of each hierarchy attribute. User can add and edit item hierarchy names for supported languages using the edit modal. At least one name is required.
In exported Excel file, sub columns based on the supported languages are displayed. All hierarchy attributes are exported with names for all supported languages. If there is no name, the field in the Excel file will remain empty.
User can also add or update names for all supported languages via import. If the imported file Excel/JSON does not have names for all supported languages, a name for the default language is created automatically, as at least one name is required.
Breaking change in Excel import
The department/group/area/subgroup name must be divided by languages (supported languages)
Fix: Inactive profiles are visible in store group dropdown (RTC-42908)
When profile does not have any stores, it is marked in Item Service as Disabled. That means that when all stores are moved to new profile, old one is deactivated and is not visible in any dropdown in Item Management. Profile can be also deactivated manually by clicking 'Deactivate' in Store Management, but only if it contains inactive stores.
Release 2024-09-30
Item information API
There is new API request which returns all item detail attributes. In body of a request, there should be present one of item identifiers - SKU, GTIN or External Item Number. It is possible to send multiple items in the request by placing identifiers in separate brackets and separating them with comma. In the response, there will be present data on all items. If there is no match for sent item identifier, then items are presented as empty square brackets.
When sending request with identifiers connected to different items (in one pair of the brackets), item information for all those items will be returned.
Item search API (RTC-42123)
Contract for item search API is available on Swagger. It allows to search items by certain criteria, presented in schema.
View item sales (RTC-43313)
A user with the reporting permissions can see the "View sales statistic" button in the Overview tab of an item. When clicked, user is taken to the dashboard where sales as shown for that specific item.
Fix for: Create new price if only difference is recommended retail price (RTC-39389)
The imported value of the recommended retail price is correctly entered into the price. A new price is also created when the only difference between it and the currently existing price is the recommended retail price. If there is no value for the recommended retail price in the imported file, it will be set to the same value as the retail price.
Support mixes ( RTC-42369)
Mixes (5.21/22,23,10/13/39,28,101) are supported by item service and their mix details are saved in the db as a JSON column. Components that previously used promotion price (labels, store price grid) still only use the promotion price and not other mixes.
Release 2024-09-09
Export to 3rd party/other modules view
Entities, that user can export are named in a simplified way. After clicking on Export button and before triggering export of all entities of specified type, there is a confirmation modal with information on consequences of this action. User can cancel or proceed with exporting.
Shelf location (RTC-42702)
Shelf location register is exported to blob in JSON format file. Contract to export shelf location has been added to swagger and is called Item.ShelfLocation.Export. It is possible to manually trigger the export in the Export view.
Fix: User can edit values with only view rights (RTC-43133)
User with manage item permission can edit, delete allergens and nutrition using "Edit allergens" and " Edit nutrition" buttons. For user with viewer item only permissions, the buttons are not visible. He can only see the allergens and nutrition data, but cannot edit them.
Fix for: Brand category cannot be added (RTC-43458)
Brand category added manually through the user interface is saved correctly.
Additionally, a bug related to refreshing the register after deactivating and activating values has also been fixed. After performing the mentioned actions, the register is refreshed to show the correct values.
Fix: New wholesale price triggers franchise price suggestion (RTC-43664)
In situation that on item there is store price with the same or different retail price as on profile, changes in wholesale price of profile price will not trigger creating price suggestions for store. If on item there was no store price, change in profile's wholesale price will trigger creating price suggestions for store (if item is in active assortment of store).
Additionally, when entering price control grid, side panel is expanded by default.
Release 2024-09-04
Fix: Exporting price doesn't work when there is deleted price (RTC-43504)
When triggering export of item or all prices, exported blobs contain correct active prices. If on item was a 'newer' price which was deleted, both previous active price and deleted price with correct statuses are exported.
Export items to Excel (RTC-35918)
It is possible to export items and prices to an excel file from the store price grid. Only items that have a price are exported, because filtering is done in the store price grid, so all items visible in the grid will be ready for export. Export is limited by view prices permission to access the store price grid and Export items from item grid permission to access the export. Store price grid should be filtered by Ordinary price, if it is not, then user will be notified by a warning on the export details page. Export is still possible.
When clicking Export in Excel, user is redirected to view when they need to select relevant attributes for export. Store groups are not predefined, user needs to select them in this view.