Price rules
  • 12 Sep 2024
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Price rules

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Article summary

The “Price rules” tab gives an overview of existing Price rules. You can view existing Price rules or create new ones. Price rules are used to create offers in Promotion.

Create new price rule

You can create a new price rule. Click on the New price rule button. "New price rule" view opens. You see a list of available mix types.

Select one of the mix types by clicking on the mix type. A new view opens with price rules details. In top of the screen, you see Price rule details, it shows name and description of the price rule. You can change the name of the price rule.

In the lower part of the screen, you find 3 columns: "Mix type details", “Conditions" and "Reward".

Mix type details

Mix type: Name of the mix type.
Description: Description of the mix.
Mix no.: Mix number.

For more information on Mix types, see Mix types.


Which conditions are available depends on the mix type. Conditions are described in the table below.

Number of items
Editable in offer: Select "Editable in offer" if number of items can be defined in the offer.
Defined in price rule: If the number of items should be defined in the price rule, you add the number of items in the offer. If you select this, you are not able to change the condition in the offer.

Number of times the offer can be used
Unlimited: Select this if the offer can be used unlimited of times.
Defined max number: Select this if the offer can be used a maximum number of times or if it should be editable in offer or defined in price rule.

Discount on discount: Select "Discount on discount" if the customer can use the offer on already discounted items.


Discounts on items in selection
Editable in offer: Select "Editable in offer" if discount on items can be defined in the offer.
Defined in price rule: Select "Defined in price rule" if discount should be defined in the price rule. Choice discount, either in % or amount.

Number of discounted items
Editable in offer: Select "Editable in offer" if number of discounted items can be defined in the offer.
Defined in price rule: Select "Defined in price rule" if number of discounted items should be defined in price rule. Enter the number of discounted items.

New price per discounted item
Editable in offer: Select "Editable in offer" if new price per discounted item can be defined in the offer.
Defined in price rule: Select "Defined in price rule" if price per discounted items should be defined in price rule. Enter new price per discounted item.

Discounts for the cheapest item(s)
Editable in offer: Select "Editable in offer" if discount for the cheapest item(s) is editable in the offer.
Defined in price rule: Select "Defined in price rule" if discount for the cheapest item(s) should be defined in the offer. Enter item(s) discount in %.


Editable in offer: Select "Editable in offer" if discount type is editable in the offer.
Defined in price rule: Select "Defined in price rule" if discount type should be defined in the offer. Choose discount type, available discount types are %, amount, or new price.

New price
Editable in offer: Select "Editable in offer" if the new price is editable in the offer.
Defined in price rule: Select "Defined in price rule" if the new price should be defined in the offer. Enter new price.

Click Save to save the price rule. Price rule is created,

View existing price rules

You can view existing price rules by clicking on the price rule in the "Name" column. The selected price rule details are opened. Price rule name is shown in the heading. The view has two tabs; "Price rule details" and "Promotions".

Price rule details tab

Price rule details show information about the Price rule. Name and description of the price rule, and it also show "Mix type details", "Conditions" and "Reward".

If your price rule is used in the promotion offer a message is shown at the top of the view; "The price rule cannot be edited, because it is used in one or more campaign offers".

Promotions tab

In the Promotions tab you will find an overview of promotions that use this price rule.

If you want to go to the campaign, you can click on the name of the campaign. Promotion detail's view opens.

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