Receive goods
  • 10 Jul 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Receive goods

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Article summary

Receive goods is used to perform goods receipt on items. If you receive items that do not appear in deliveries grid, but the items exist in a purchase order you need to perform goods receipt form the purchase order itself.

For orders with status "Confirmed" where there are purchase order lines with remaining delivery, there is a Receive goods button. It is used to register receive goods in Purchase orders.

If all order lines in the order are delivered, the Receive goods button is hidden.

When you click on the Receive goods button, the "Receive goods" page opens. It shows a list of the purchase order lines with remaining delivery (lines that not are fully delivered, with remaining quantity higher than 0).

Side panel

To the right there is a side panel. It is used to do receive goods on the order lines with remaining delivery. There are 3 fields: Receiving, Remaining and Deviation.

In the receiving field, order quantity are suggested. If there is remaining quantity, you could add the remaining quantity. If there are deviations it is updated.

At the bottom of the side panel there are three buttons.

UNDO (CTRL+Z) – Click on the Undo button, to undo changes.

SAVE + NEXT (SHIFT+ENTER) - Click on Save + Next to save changes,


Multiselect lines

Lines can be multiselected and counted as fully delivered using the Confirm items button. After submitting, goods receipt is exported, delivered lines are shown in Deliveries tab. Delivery status of order and order line as well as remaining quantity and deviation are updated.

Collapse/Expand side panel

The side panel can collapse by clicking on the arrow at the top right of the side panel. It can be Expanded again by clicking on the arrow to the right side of the view.

Set to done

When all the expected deliveries are received in the Confirmed order, the order can be set to done.

Click on Set to done. The "Set to done" dialog opens. If there is no remaining value, you see a summary of the order.

Click Set to done, the order status changes to Done, and the purchase order is exported.

The Set to done dialog are different based on whether there is a remaining value. If there is a remaining value, the "Set to done" dialog asks you what you would like to do?

You have two options:

  • Add remainder as a deviation (default). Ordered quantity is displayed as deviation in the "Deviation" column.

  • Edit order quantity to match what has been delivered.

Select wanted option and click Set to done.

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