Release notes
  • 27 Sep 2024
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Release notes

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Coming next release

Item search API


Contract for item search API is available on Swagger. It allows to search items by certain criteria, presented in schema.

Release 09.09.2024

Export to 3rd party/other modules view


Entities, that user can export are named in a simplified way. After clicking on Export button and before triggering export of all entities of specified type, there is a confirmation modal with information on consequences of this action.
User can cancel or proceed with exporting.

Shelf location


Shelf location register is exported to blob in JSON format file. Contract to export shelf location has been added to swagger and is called Item.ShelfLocation.Export.  It is possible to manually trigger the export in the Export view.

Fix: User can edit values with only view rights


User with manage item permission can edit, delete allergens and nutrition using "Edit allergens" and " Edit nutrition" buttons. For user with viewer item only permissions, the buttons are not visible. He can only see the allergens and nutrition data, but cannot edit them.

Fix for: Brand category cannot be added


Brand category added manually through the user interface is saved correctly.
Additionally, a bug related to refreshing the register after deactivating and activating values has also been fixed. After performing the mentioned actions, the register is refreshed to show the correct values.

Fix: New wholesale price triggers franchise price suggestion


In situation that on item there is store price with the same or different retail price as on profile, changes in wholesale price of profile price will not trigger creating price suggestions for store. If on item there was no store price, change in profile's wholesale price will trigger creating price suggestions for store (if item is in active assortment of store).

Additionally, when entering price control grid, side panel is expanded by default.

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