Search and filter in transactions
  • 12 Jul 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Search and filter in transactions

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Article summary

The Transactions view display an overview of transactions for given stores. The newest transactions are displayed at the top of the page. You can search for transactions in the different columns. Filter the search by searching in/selecting from more than one column at a time.

What you can see and do in the Transactions view depends on your user permissions. Sale transactions are not shown in the transactions view.

Filter panel

Transactions can also be filtered using the filter panel. Click on the arrow to the right of transaction overview to open the filter panel. By default now filtering is set, all transactions is shown.

Filter panel can be collapsed (closed again) by clicking on the arrow to the top right of the panel.


Select date at the top of the filter panel.

Date choice: Date choice is the default choice. You can filter the transactions by adding date form and date to using the calendar icon or write the date.

In addition to the "Date choice" there are some predefined periods: Yesterday, This week, Last week and Last month. After selecting one of these periods date fields are fulfilled with proper values.

Transaction type

Below the date selection you can filter on transaction type. You can select as many transaction types as you need. By default all the transaction types are selected. You can change selection by ticking the options you want to see and unticking the options you do not want to filter on.

At the bottom of the filter panel there are 3 buttons:

Apply – Click on the Apply button when you have added wanted selection. The result is shown in the overview.

Reset -  Click on the Reset button to reset your selection.

Clear – Click on the Clear button to clear all fields. This clears all selections.

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