Virtual stocks
  • 12 Jul 2024
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Virtual stocks

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Article summary

With virtual stock, multiple stock locations can be combined and made available for a stock location without its own stock. For example, a web shop without its own stock can have the combined stock values from several selected physical stores, which the customer can get their items delivered from.

The Virtual stocks page gives an overview of Virtual stocks. You can view and edit existing virtual stocks, and you can create New virtual stocks.

The permission Manage virtual stocks must be active for the users user role to be able to view and manage Virtual stocks.

Only one virtual stock can be created per profile, from the active stores in the profile. Stores can be added and removed from the virtual stock. The user must input a code of their choice for the virtual stock, which will function as the identifier for the virtual stock the same way a store number identifies a store.

The virtual stock code must be unique among other virtual stocks and actual store numbers. Virtual stocks can be created, edited, activated, deactivated, and deleted.

New virtual stock

New virtual stock can be created by clicking on the New virtual stock button in the lower right corner of the “Virtual stocks” view.

The "New virtual stock" view opens. Enter Stock name, Code (must be unique) and select Profile. When you select a profile, the store's in the profile is displayed in the store table below.

Tick the stores you want to include in the virtual stock, the selected stores are displayed to the right. Click Save when the registration is finished. The new Virtual stock is created.

View existing/Edit virtual stock

It is possible to view details of an existing virtual stock. Click on the Stock name in the "Stock name" column of wanted virtual stock.

The selected virtual stock details opens. Stores can be added to the virtual stock, and stores can be removed from the virtual stock.

Activate/Deactivate virtual stock

The virtual stock can be activated/deactivated by clicking on the "More-button" and select "Activate"/"Deactivate" depending on if the virtual stock is active or inactive.

Delete virtual stock

The virtual stock can be deleted by clicking on the "More-button" and select "Delete", the virtual stock is deleted.

Virtual stock export

The virtual stock is exported each minute, with the changes that have occurred.

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