Frequently Asked Questions Mobile POS
  • 06 Sep 2024
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Frequently Asked Questions Mobile POS

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Article summary


Why do I get error message" “unable to login to softpay” when trying to pay with card?

There can be many reasons for this. However, the most common reasons are:

  • Your store only has license for 1 virtual terminal and another device is connected to this terminal.

  • The login credentials to Softpay is configured wrong or the store mapping between EG and Softpay is configured wrong for your store.

  • The device you are using has “debug mode” enabled.

In any case, if you experience this issue. Please make a note of the time it occurred and the error message and error code you received. If you provide this information to support, it is easy to identify what has occurred.

What payment methods are possible to use in Mobile POS?

Mobile POS supports the following payment methods:

  • Softpay for paying with card

  • Vipps

  • Swish

  • Klarna InStore

  • Mobile Pay

  • Instabank

  • Coopay

  • Adyen bank terminals

  • Credit (only applicable for credit customers)

  • Bonus (if Loyalty system supports it)

  • Giftcards (from EG’s Gift card module)

How do I generate the QR code for identifying my store when trying to login with cashier?

The content of the QR code looks like this:

{ "StoreInfo": { "StoreNo": x, "ExternalNumber": x, "Name": "x" }, "TenantId": "x" }

For the time being this must be created manually per store. However, if you log in with email first, the app will remember the store you selected and you won’t need to scan the QR code. Also keep in mind that cashier login has network restrictions.

Which handheld devices with built-in scanner capabilities are currently supported by Mobile POS?

The handheld scanners that are currently supported in Mobile POS are:

  • Zebra (Recommended)

  • Point Mobile

  • Datalogic

Currently, no peripheral scanners are supported.

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