- EG Chain 7
- Chain release documentation 2
- Item Management 3
- Promotion
- Introduction and access control
- Promotion register
- Create new promotion
- Create promotion from item/group lists
- Promotion details
- Mix types
- Buy one item from selection A and get a discount on item B
- Discount in percent on all items
- Buy N selected items and get a discount
- Buy N items and get a discount in percent on the M cheapest item
- Discount on selected items
- Subtotal discount
- Discount on a weight item
- Buy for X amount in ordinary price and get discount on all items
- Percent discount on the most expensive item
- Combine from groups and get the cheapest item for free
- Combine from groups and get discount per group
- Combine from groups and get a collective discount
- Buy for X amount and pay Y amount per piece for N items
- Buy N or more items and get a discount per piece
- Buy N items (from all items in the store) and get a discount
- Combine from groups and get a specified price
- Promotion discount
- Buy from group 1, get discount on group 2
- Price rules
- Create offer
- Add items to offers
- Edit items in offers
- Offers with dynamic item segments
- Promotion price offers
- Submit and approve promotion
- Schedule offer activation/deactivation
- Copy promotion
- Stop or delete promotion
- Promotion report
- Search in offer list
- Items in promotion
- Promotion registers
- System parameters
- Inventory
- Release notes
- Search for stock status
- Stock status details
- Export stock status to Excel
- Search and filter in transactions
- Transactions
- New transaction
- Export transactions to Excel
- Stocktaking details
- New stocktaking
- Add items and count list/group to stocktaking
- Count lists
- Count groups
- Create new count group
- Reason codes and action codes
- System parameters
- Virtual stocks
- Release notes
- Procurement 2
- Purchase order workflow Updated
- Create and manage purchase order Updated
- Submit, print and confirm order
- Export order rows to Excel
- Import order from Excel
- Order proposal
- Cancel order
- Receive goods
- Deliveries
- Create new delivery
- Purchase order overview
- Search for items in orders
- Item attributes used in procurement
- Supplier attributes used in procurement
- Procurement register
- EG User Management
- EG Store Management
- EG Order Management
- Customer
- Reports
- EG Retail Platform 1
- EG POS release documentation 1
- EG Self Checkout
- Gift card
- Financials
- POS Management
- EG Retail Mobile 2
- EG Retail Mobile POS 1
- EG Retail InStore App 1
- EG Self Service Monitor App
- EG Loyalty 4
- Release Notes 4
- Search for members
- Create new member
- Member details
- Member segments
- Member segment details
- Export segments
- Member tags
- Member tag details
- Stamp card rules
- Member campaigns
- Bonus rollouts
- Loyalty programs
- EG Cloud Platform
- About
Import order from Excel
Purchase orders can be imported. You can use an exported Excel file as a template for the Excel import.
It is important that the column headers are correct based on definition. Make sure you do not copy any values into one of the column headers in the hidden row (row number 2). It is important that the hidden row is hidden in the Excel file when you run the Import, otherwise the import will fail.
Required identifiers in the Excel file:
At least one item identifier of the 3 is required: SKU, GTIN or Item number.
Quantity, Wholesale price, Supplier discount and Delivery date.
At least one supplier identifier of 2: Supplier no. or Supplier GLN.
Purchase orders can be imported from Excel. Click on the Import order button.
The "Import order" dialog opens.
Select Store level: "All stores", "Store", "Profile" or "Team". Which option you have is depending on the user rights.
Select Order type: "Replenishment" or "Preorder".
Select Delivery date using the calendar icon or write the date.
Click on Select file to select a file to upload. This file must be in .xlsx format. Select a file and click on Open to upload the file.
Click on Set up import. The Import order page opens if you have selected store, profile or team as store level.
To the left on the import order page you see a list of active stores/teams/profiles depending on the store level you selected, and your user permission.
You use search, or select wanted options from the list by ticking them. Your selection is displayed to the right. You must choose at least one from the list.
When you are finished with your selection you must click on the Import button to import the orders.
You get a notification when the import is done with information how many Purchase orders and Purchase order lines have been imported, and if there are lines that have been skipped due to missing info in the Excel file.
If the file contains more than one supplier, then a Purchase order per supplier (and store if more than one store is selected).