Order proposal
  • 28 Nov 2024
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Order proposal

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Article summary

Purchase order proposal can be created manually or automatically per store per given supplier based on stock balance and order points.

When the job for creating Order proposals is enabled, they are created every night based on changes in stock and order quantities. Those orders can be recognized by checkbox in the "Order proposal column in the Purchase order overview. Order proposals are checked and are drafts with status "Draft".

Order proposals must be approved manually, see Submit, print and confirm order.

Order proposals condition is based on sum of stock of an item in store, existing draft proposals and remaining quantity in submitted, edited, and confirmed purchase orders.

Order proposals are created for main supplier of item. Proposals are not created if the item never was in stock in specific store. When the quantities in existing orders, or stock status has changed since previous job execution, quantities in proposal are updated to match max order point. If proposal is not needed anymore, it is deleted by job, and if this was the only line in order, order is deleted as well.

Create new order proposal

Order proposals can be created manually. When you are in the “Purchase orders” view, click on the New order proposal button. The "New order proposal dialog" opens.

Order proposal for multiple stores and suppliers can be created at the same time. You have two options for selecting suppliers: "Selected suppliers" or "All applicable". Tick relevant option.

Create order proposal for selected supplier

  1. Click in the "Store" field and select one or multiple stores. Selected suppliers are the default choice.

  2. Select suppliers by clicking in the "Supplier" field and selecting one or  wanted suppliers.

  3. Click Create, to create a new order proposal for the selected stores and suppliers.

  4. A message is displayed at the bottom of the view, informing you that creating order proposal has started.

  1. You get at notification when the drafts are ready. In the notification you get information about number of orders and lines modified, deleted, or added.

Create order proposal for every supplier that meet the requirements

  1. Click in the "Store" field and select one or multiple stores.

  2. If you select "All applicable" (number of applicable suppliers are shown behind this option), the order proposal will be created for all applicable suppliers. A warning is displayed at top of the dialog. It informs the user that it might take some time.

  1. Click Create, to create new order proposal for all applicable suppliers.

  2. A message is displayed at the bottom of the view, informing you that creating order proposal has started.

  3. You get at notification when the drafts are ready.

Order proposal details

When the order proposal is created, it is recognized by checkbox in the "Order proposal column in the Purchase order overview. Order proposals are checked and are drafts with status "Draft".

You can open the order proposal by clicking on the Order number in the "Order no column". Then the order details opens showing the items in the order. There are 1 line per item.

You can expand each item by clicking on "+" to display details about the item, e.g., stock level and sales history information, to determine if you want to proceed with proposed value.

If you want to approve the order proposal, you must Submit the order by clicking on the Submit order button.

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