Purchase order workflow
  • 20 Aug 2024
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Purchase order workflow

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Article summary

The Purchase orders page displays an overview of all Purchase orders, listed by internal order number. Newest purchase order on the top, and order status filtered by "Active". The Purchase orders may have been created manually either in Purchas orders, Deliveries, or InStore App. Purchase orders can also be created by the supplier or other 3rd parties.

You can view and edit existing purchase orders and create new purchase orders.

Purchase order is used e.g., when you create Purchase orders manually.

The Purchase process can be done manually by communicating with the supplier by mail/phone.

1.       Create the Purchase order manually. Then we submit the order and send it to the supplier.

2.       The supplier creates a manual purchase order in their system and confirms the purchase.

3.       Then you change status to Confirmed manually in the purchase order.

4.       The supplier sends the items and have not sent an order dispatch advice in advance.

5.       You receive the items using Receive goods in Purchase order, or by using Receive goods in InStore App.

Order status

Draft: Order is not sent to supplier.

Submitted: Set automatically when submitting the order to the supplier. The order is exported (sent to the supplier).

Edited: Set automatically when a submitted order has been edited and not submitted. Order is not exported (not sent to submitter) unless it is re-submitted or confirmed.

Confirmed: Received order confirmation from supplier (with or without edits). Manual update.

Cancelled: Status when order is cancelled.

Done: Status on the order after all the items are received. The order does not require any further action.

Active: The Purchase order overview is by default filtered on status “Active” when the overview opens. Using this filter exclude status “Done” and “Cancelled” and show everything else.

Delivery status

Not received: No items have been delivered.

Draft: Status when delivery is created manually (without Purchase order), before submitting the delivery.

Partially received: Part of the order was delivered, and the supplier intends to deliver more. There might be a deviation from shipping document.

Done: Order was delivered according to order/order confirmation. There might be a deviation from shipping document.

Active: Show all active delivers. Deliveries with status Cancelled are excluded.

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