Submit, print and confirm order
  • 10 Jul 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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  • PDF

Submit, print and confirm order

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  • PDF

Article summary

Submit order

When registration of the purchase order is finished the order is registered as a Draft. You can submit the order and send a Purchase Order PDF to the supplier.

If not already in order details, click the order no. for relevant order in the “Purchase orders” view.

Click on Submit order in the lower right corner of the details view.

The "Submit order" dialog opens. At the top of the dialog, you see a summary of the order.
In addition, you can add email address and add an order note.

Click Submit order, the order is submitted. The order changes status to "Submitted".

Print order

When the order has the status "Submitted" you can download an order confirmation by using the print order function. Then you can send the order confirmation to the supplier.

Click on the Print order button, PDF file is downloaded. You can click on the file to open the order confirmation.

Order confirmation example:

Confirm order

Edited and submitted orders can be confirmed, either manually when receiving confirmation from supplier by mail, or by importing order confirmation (EDI).

To be confirmed, order must have at least one order line

Orders with status "Edited" and "Submitted" can be confirmed using the Mark as confirmed button. The "Confirm order" dialog opens.  Supplier order no. can be added (not required).

Click Confirm order, to confirm the order.

Purchase orders are exported when they are confirmed, and after each update of the confirmed order.

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