New transaction
  • 12 Sep 2024
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New transaction

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Article summary

You can create a new transaction in the Transactions tab in both Stock status details and Transaction details in addition to creating a transaction from the Transactions view.

Click on the New transaction button.

The "New transaction" dialog opens. Select Store and Transaction type. When transaction type is selected, more fields opens.

Which fields you must register depends on the selected transaction type. Some transaction types reduces stock, other increase stock.

1.       Search for Item by start to write the search text. The "Find item" dialog opens, displaying the search result. Select relevant item.

2.       Enter the quantity the stock should be reduced or increased with.

3.       Select Reason code and  Action code from the drop-down list (if there are more than one code). Which code type you must add is defined in per transaction type in the Reason code register.

4.       You can also add a transaction note to the transaction.

5.       Click Create, to create a new transaction.

Internal transfer

When you register an Internal transfer, you must add the Quantity to transfer and select the store to send to in addition to the other fields.

Click Create, to create a new transaction.

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