Export transactions to Excel
  • 12 Sep 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Export transactions to Excel

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Article summary

You can export transactions to Excel from the Transactions tab in both Stock status details and Transaction details in addition to exporting from the main Transactions view.

Filter transactions to export

You can use the filter function to select the items you want to export.


Filter on Store 1000, and Item text "brown" to export transactions for items with item text that contain brown in the item text, for store 1000.

Export to excel

Click on the Export to Excel button when you are ready to export the items.

The "Export to Excel" dialog opens. It gives you an overview of what will be exported.

A message is displayed at the bottom of the screen informing you that the export has started.

You get a notification when the export is finished. The "bell" icon gets a red mark. Click on the "Bell" to see the notification.

The notification panel opens. You can download the Excel file by clicking on "Download file".

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