Add items and count list/group to stocktaking
  • 27 Aug 2024
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Add items and count list/group to stocktaking

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Article summary

You can add items and count lists, and in some occasion count groups, to an Active stocktaking. Click the name of the relevant stocktaking in the Stocktakings view.

The Stocktaking details view opens.

Add items to stocktaking

Click on the Add item button.

The "Add item" dialog opens. Search for the item, search result is displayed in the "Find item" dialog. Select wanted item. Item is added to the "Add item" dialog.

Add counted value. Click on the Save button, the item is added to the stocktaking.

If the item already exists in the stocktaking, you are informed that the item already exists in stocktaking. Save is aborted.

Click Cancel or on the X at the top right of the dialog, to cancel and close the dialog.

Items already a part of stocktaking cannot be added

Only items that are not already part of the stocktaking can be added. In case the item already exists in the stocktaking, the user will be informed, and the action must be cancelled.

Add count list to stocktaking

Count lists can be added/assigned to the active stocktaking by clicking on the Add count list button.

The "Add count list" view opens. It shows count lists for the store with status "New". In this view you can activate/add count lists and open count list to view count list details.

Select the count lists you want to add to the stocktaking by ticking relevant count lists.

Click on the Activate selected button, to activate the selected count lists. The count lists are added to the stocktaking.

View count list details

You can view the items in the count list by clicking on Name of the count list in the "Name" column. The count list details view opens.

See View count list details for more information.

Add count group to stocktaking

Only available for Cyclic stocktaking

The Add count group function is only available for Cyclic stocktaking. It is used to add count groups to the Cyclic stocktaking.

Click on the Add count group button.

The "Add count groups" dialog opens. Select one or more count groups form the drop-down list.

Click Save, to add the count group(s) to the stocktaking.

Finish stocktaking

After you’ve added everything to your stocktaking you can finish the stocktaking by clicking the Finish stocktaking button. See Finish stocktaking for more information.

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