Count lists
  • 27 Aug 2024
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Count lists

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Article summary

The Count lists view displays an overview of count lists. In the view you can Export empty template, Import count list and Activate selected count list(s).

Activate selected count list(s)

The Activate selected button is activated when you tick on one or multiple count lists with status "New". Tick the count list you want to activate and click on the Activate selected button.

The count lists are added to the active stocktaking. If there is no active stocktaking, you get this message "Active stocktaking not found".

Count lists cannot always be assigned

Count lists cannot be assigned to the stocktaking when:

  • There is no active stocktaking in store.

  • Count lists from different stores are selected.

  • The Count list is already assigned to the stocktaking.

Delete count list

Count lists with status "New" can be deleted. Click on the More (…) button to the left of the relevant count list row and select Delete.

The selected count list is deleted.

Export empty template

You can export an empty template to Excel. Click on the Export empty template button.

A message telling you that your export has started opens.

When the export is finished you will receive a notification.

Click on Download file to download the empty template.

The empty template contains the following columns: "SKU", "GTIN", "Item number", "# Counted" and "Net price".
One identifier is required. The quantity and net price is optional, but can not be negative.
The net price and quantity will update Inventory when the stocktaking is completed.

The template can be used as a basis for the count list import.

Import count list

You can import a count list from excel. Click on the Import count list button.

The “Import from Excel” dialog opens. Enter Store, Name and Description (optional).
Click on Select file to upload you excel file.

Select the file and click on Open. Click on Import to import the count list.

Maximum 10 000 rows can be imported in the same import.

View count list details

It is possible to view the items in the count list. Click on the name of the count list in the "Name" column. The selected count list details view opens. In the count list details view you can activate the count list, export the count list to Excel, edit row and delete row.

Edit row

The Counted value can be edited in the selected count list details view. Click on the "Pencil icon" to the left on the item row to edit it.

The "Edit row" dialog opens.
Edit Counted quantity.

Click Save to save changes or click Cancel to cancel saving. 

Delete row

Items can be deleted from the count list in the selected count list details view. Mark the relevant item line. Click on the "More-button" and select Delete.

Activate count list

Count lists with status "New" can be activated (added to the stocktaking) if there is an active stocktaking for the store. This is done in the selected count list details view. If there is not an active stocktaking for the store you get this message "Active stocktaking not found".

Click on the Activate count list button to activate the count list.

You get a message confirming that the count list is activated.

Export count list to excel

The count list can be exported to Excel from the count list details view. Before you start the export, you can use filters to limit the items in the export.

Click on the Export to Excel button

The "Export to Excel" dialog opens.

Click Export to start the export. You get a notification when the export is finished, and you can download the Excel file.

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