Bonus rollout details
  • 19 Sep 2024
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Bonus rollout details

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Article summary

To view the details of a bonus rollout, go to the “Bonus rollouts” view and click on the orange arrow on the right of the relevant bonus rollout line.

The bonus rollouts details view opens. When the bonus rollout is distributed it has two tabs Bonus rollout and Bonus checks.

If the bonus rollout is not yet calculated (status planned/calculating) it only has the Bonus rollout view.
If the rollout is calculated but not distributed (status calculated) it has the tabs Bonus rollout and Bonus checks preview.

Bonus rollout tab

The details view opens in the Bonus rollout tab that shows details of the ongoing (not yet distributed) bonus rollout calculation. Here you can edit the rollout and it’s calculation.

When the bonus rollout is distributed the tab view will have the field Distributed bonus rollout instead of the Bonus calculation field. The field shows the details of the distribution.

Edit bonus rollout description

You can add a description to the bonus rollout or change it.
Click on the “pencil” icon beside the description.

The “Edit description” dialog opens. Add a description and click Update.

Change bonus calculation dates

You can change the transaction date by pressing the “pencil” icon beside the last transaction date (only for ongoing bonus rollouts).

The “Change bonus calculation dates” dialog opens.

Change the date and click on the Calculate button to re-calculate. The status changes to “Calculating”.

Schedule distribution

Once the bonus rollout is calculated, you can schedule when the bonus checks will be distributed.

Press the Schedule distribution button.

The “Distribute” dialog opens. Here you choose whether bonus checks being calculated should be distributed on a specific date or distributed now.
Tick your preferred option. The preselected value is “Schedule distribution” with todays date.  Distribution starts on the night after the specified date.

Selecting “Distribute now” will change the dialog.

Select Activate once the distribution has been scheduled. The status of the distribution will change to “Distributing”.

Once the distribution is complete, the status changes to “Distributed”.

Delete bonus rollout

Bonus rollouts whose status is “Draft”, “Scheduled” or “Calculated” can be deleted. Deleting is done from the bonus rollout details view.

Click on the Delete button.

The “Delete bonus rollout” dialog opens. You will be asked if you are sure you want to delete the bonus rollout.

Select Delete to delete the bonus rollout.

Bonus checks tab

The bonus checks tabs gives you an overview over the bonus checks connected to the relevant bonus rollout. For calculated rollouts that are yet to be distributed the tab will be called Bonus checks preview.

The Bonus checks preview tab gives you an overview of the bonus checks being calculated. Member numbers, names and bonus check amounts are listed here. There is one line per member.

You can view a member’s details by double-clicking the desired line or pressing the orange arrow for the line. This will open the member details view.

For distributed bonus rollouts the Bonus checks tab will give you an overview of distributed bonus checks.

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