Member segment details
  • 23 Sep 2024
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Member segment details

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Article summary

To view member segment details, you can either scroll through the segments in the “Member segments” view or you can filter by searching in/selecting from the different columns. Mark the member, double-click the line or click the orange arrow on the right on the relevant member.

The member segment details view opens. The view also opens automatically when creating a new segment.

In this view, you define the target group by selecting segmentation terms and adding one or more selected groups to include/exclude. On the right of the view there is an information panel showing the segment’s details. This is updated as the selection criteria are specified.

Segmentation terms

When building a member segment three checkboxes appear at top of the screen. The first checkbox is always ticked, as this is the default choice for all member segmentation. It is possible to include "Members that have not accepted member terms" or "Members that have not accepted segmentation terms".

Include: set selection criteria to define which members must be included. Only members who meet the specified selection criteria must be included.

Exclude: this is where it is possible to specify selection criteria defining which members must be excluded. Members who meet the selection criteria specified under Exclude must not be included in the segment.


Include: Items that fit these specified criteria will be included in the segment. However, if an included item is also part of the exclude section, then it will not be part of the segment.

Groups: For an item to be added to a group its attributes have to match all attributes specified within the group. For example, if the group is specified with ‘Item text contains Summer’ and ‘Item group is 1234’, then all items within the group must contain both those values.

‘Or’: If two groups have ‘Or’ between them, then an item must fit the criteria of either one of the groups to be added to the item segmentation. If an item fits the criteria of both groups, it will also be part of the segment.

‘And’: If two groups have ‘And’ between them, then an item must fit the criteria of both of the groups, to be added to the item segmentation. If an item fits the criteria of only one of the groups, it will not be part of the segment.

Exclude: Items that fit these specified criteria will be excluded from the segment. If an item is part of both the include and exclude section, the item will not be part of the segment. If an item only exists in the exclude section, the item will also not be part of the segment.

Add selection group

Click Add Selection Group.

Click Add Filter and specify what to base the filter on.

Select a category. You can choose from Member, Sales, Bonus checks, Campaign, Coupon and Bonus rollouts.

  • Member: members who meet these criteria.

  • Sales: members with sales who meet these criteria.

  • Bonus checks: members with bonus checks who meet these criteria.

  • Campaign: members who meet these criteria.

  • Coupon: members with coupons like these meet the criteria.

  • Bonus rollouts: periodic distribution of bonus checks.

The filtering options will depend on which category you choose.  


The screenshots below show how it can appear when you choose to base a filter on member data:

Select the Member category.

Select the Age field.

Selects an operator, for example “Greater than”, and specify a number of years.

Add multiple selection criteria to same selection group

Selection criteria within the same group will always be combined with an “and” relation. This means that if you have added the selection criteria “Members under 30 years of age” and “Members who are women” to the same selection group, the result will be the members who meet both criteria.

Shows members who satisfy all selection criteria

Adding more criteria will restrict the group further. 

Combining selection groups

It is possible to combine two or more selection groups using “And”/ “Or”. It is also possible to specify the selection group(s) to be excluded.

  1. Click Add Selection Group again.

  2. And/Or: specifies how two selection groups must be combined.

Shows all members who meet the selection criteria in both “Selection group 1” and “Selection group 2”.

Shows all members who meet the selection criteria in both “Selection group 1” or “Selection group 2”. 

Exclude selection criteria

It is also possible to remove members by excluding these from the segment. If you add selection groups under exclude, these will be removed from your selection.  You can do this by combining selection groups that are included and that are excluded, or by only excluding selection groups.

Exclude from selection

Shows members in Selection Group A, minus members who are also in Selection Group B.

Exclude from everything

Displays all members with the exception of those in Group B.

Edit selection group

Within the selection group you can edit and delete the selection criteria.

Edit selection criteria

Highlight the line you want to change. Click the “pencil” icon to enable editing.

Change the filter and press Save to save the change or Cancel to cancel.

Delete selection criteria

Highlight the line you want to change. Click the “bin” icon to delete the line(s) selected (filter).

A warning will appear that you are about to remove the selection criteria.

Click Remove to remove the selection criteria.

Rename member segment

It is possible to change the name/description of a segment.

Click the “pencil” icon by the name of the segment at the top of the screen.

This will open the “Edit details” dialog. Enter a new name and description (optional).

Click Update to update the change or click Cancel to cancel.

Copy member segment

It is possible to copy an existing member segment.

In the relevant member segment details view, click the Copy segment button.

This will open the “Create a copy” dialog. Enter the name and description (optional) of the new segment.

Press Create a copy to create a new segment or press Cancel to cancel. This will create a copy of the segment.

Delete segment

It is possible to delete a segment. In the relevant member segment details, click the Delete segment button.

The “Delete segment” dialog opens. You will be asked to confirm whether you really want to delete the segment.

Click Delete to delete the segment or click Cancel to cancel.

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