New stocktaking
  • 27 Aug 2024
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New stocktaking

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Article summary

A new stocktaking can be created if the last stocktaking is completed. There can only be one active stocktaking per store at the same time. A new stocktaking cannot be created if there are any stocktakings with one of these following statuses for the selected store: Active, Creating, Closing, Error closing or Error creating.

Click on the New Stocktaking button in the Stocktakings view.

The "New Stocktaking" view opens.

  1. Select Store from the drop-down list.

  2. Give the stocktaking a name.

  3. Select Date. Today's date is selected by default.

  4. Select Type. There are 4 options: Periodic, Cyclic, Random and Remainder.
    Which fields you must fill depends on the selected type.

Periodic stocktaking

Select Periodic stocktaking if all items in your store should be counted. No more fields need to be filled in.

Cyclic stocktaking

If you select Cyclic, you must select one or more count groups to be used in the cyclic stocktaking. The count groups must be created before they can be added. It is only possible to select count groups available for the selected store.

Random stocktaking

With Random stocktaking, the stocktaking is empty upon creation. The items are added to the stocktaking by activating the count lists that the user wants to include in the stocktaking. The stock basis is taken from the count lists.

Assigned count list removal

If an assigned count list needs to be removed, the stocktaking needs to be deleted – and the Random stocktaking must be created again.

Reminder stocktaking

The remainder stocktaking is used to count items that have not been counted since a specified date. The remainder stocktaking is typically used for counting items that were not previously counted during cyclic stocktakings during the year. Items to include can be either all items that were not counted since a specific date, or only parts of the stock (count groups) that were not counted since a specific date.

If items from count groups are selected, only the items in these groups that were not counted since a specific date, are included in the stocktaking.

  1. Click on the Create button. The new Stocktaking is created.

At the bottom of the view you see information about that the new stocktaking is been created.

When the stocktaking is created, stocktaking status changes to "Active" and you get a notification in the top right of the view. Click on View stocktaking to open the stocktaking.

In addition the bell icon at the top right of the view get a red dot, telling you that there are a new notification. Click on the "Bell icon" to view the notification.

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