User details
  • 10 Oct 2024
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User details

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Article summary

To enter the user details, click on the username of the relevant user.

The “User details” view opens. It contains two tabs - Details and Roles.

Details tab

The “Details tab” displays user information. Details can be edited by clicking on the Edit button below each section. It also possible to add cashier to the user.

Edit user details

User details can be edited by clicking on Edit user details.

The "Edit user details dialog" opens.

You can edit Display name, First name and Last name.

Click Save, to save user details.

Edit preferences

Preferences can be edited by clicking  on the Edit preferences button.

The "Edit preferences" dialog opens.

Click Save, to save preferences.

Edit store access

Store access can be edited by clicking on the Edit store access button.

The "Store access" dialog opens. You can either select "All stores" or "Selected stores".

All stores

If "All stores" is selected (default option) , the user will have access to all stores.

Click Save, to save changes.

Selected stores

If you select "Selected stores", the Profile, Teams and Stores field opens.

Select the Profiles, Teams or Stores the user should have access to.

Click Save, to save changes.

Add cashier

It is possible to add a Cashier to the user by clicking on the Add user button.

The "Add cashier" dialog opens.

Add cashier number.

Cashier number can also be added by clicking on the "Get next available number" link.

Cashier PIN must be set. By default "Set on first login to POS" is checked. Then the cashier PIN must be set the first time the user login to POS.

If you uncheck this option, then a field to set cashier PIN opens. Add cashier PIN.

Click Add cashier to add cashier to the user.

Edit cashier

To edit cashier, click on the Edit cashier button under the “Cashier” section.

Available editing options to are displayed in a dropdown list.

Select wanted option and edit cashier.

Change PIN

Cashiers PIN can be changed. Click on Change PIN, the "Change PIN dialog opens. Add New PIN in the "New PIN" field and repeat the new PIN in the "Repeat new PIN" field. Click Submit to change the PIN.

A screenshot of a pin  Description automatically generated

Reset PIN

You can reset cashier PIN by selecting Reset PIN. The dialog "Reset PIN" opens. It is informing you that the password will be set equal to the cashier number, and the cashier will be forced to set a new password on the next POS login. Click Reset PIN to reset the cashiers PIN.

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Change cashier number

Cashier number can be changed by selecting Change cashier number. The "Change cashier dialog" opens. You can write the new cashier number or click on "Get next available number" to get the next available number. Click on Submit to change the cashier number.

A screenshot of a cashier number  Description automatically generated


You can deactivate the cashier by selecting Deactivate. Deactivated cashiers is not available in the system. Information is shown above the cashier number.

Cashier can be activated again by clicking on the Activate link.

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Set training mode/Disable training mode

You can give the cashier permission to use the cash register in training mode by selecting Set training mode. When training mode enabled you see that it is checked in the cashier section.

When training mode is enabled the cash register is in training mode when the cashier is logged in to the cash register.

You can disable the training mode by selecting Disabling training mode.

Prevent cashier login / Enable cashier login

You can prevent the cashier being able to login to the cash register selecting the option "Prevent cashier login on the cash register. If you want the cashier to be able to  login again you can select "Enable cashier login".

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Change cashier language

Cashier language can be changed by selecting the Change cashier language option. The "Cashier language" dialog opens. Select wanted cashier language from the dropdown list and click Submit to change the cashier language. The selected language is shown in the cashier section on the user details page.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Add Card ID

Cashier can have assigned Card ID. A Card ID can be added manually, or it can be imported. You can add a Card ID manually by clicking on the Add Card ID option. The "Add card ID" dialog opens. Add the Card ID and click on the Add Card ID button. Card ID is added.

A screenshot of a computer screen  Description automatically generated

Change Card ID

Cashiers CardID can be changed by selecting the option Change Card ID. The "Change card ID" dialog opens. Add new Card ID and click Save to save the new Card ID.

A screenshot of a card  Description automatically generated

Activate Card ID

It is possible to Activate Card ID if the Card ID is deactivated, by clicking on the Activate Card ID option, then the Card ID Is activated again.

Deactivate Card ID

It is possible to Deactivate Card ID, by clicking on the Deactivate Card ID option, the Card ID Is deactivated, and cannot be used.

Deactivate/Activate user

Users can be deactivated.

Click on the "more button" (...) in the bottom right when in the user details view. Click Deactivate, user is deactivated.

Deactivated users are not available in the system.

The text "Inactive user. Activate the user to make it available in the system" is displayed on top of the user details view.

You can activate the user again. Click on the "more button" (...) and click Activate. User is activated and is available in the system.

Roles tab

In the Roles tab you see the user's roles. You could Add or Remove roles. The user roles determine what the user has access to.

Add role

You could add roles to the user to give the user access to specific areas. There are two types of roles: Common role and Store role. To create new user roles, see Create new user role.

Common role

When the role is common, the user get access to the areas defined in the role.

Search for the role or select role from the dropdown-list in the "Role" field.

Click the Add button to give the user access to the role. The role is added to the role table.

Store role

If you select a store role you must select the store level the user should have access to. You have 4 store level options: Profile, Team, Store or All stores.

If you select Profile, Team, or Store you get an extra field where you must select which profiles, teams or stores the user should have access. It is possible to select more than one (multi select). If you select store level All stores, the user get access to all stores.

Click Add to give the user access to the role.

Remove role

You can also remove roles from a user. Click on the "Bin icon" on the role you want to remove, the selected role is removed.

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