Member tag details
  • 16 Jul 2024
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Member tag details

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Article summary

It is possible to view and edit existing member tags by highlighting the current member tag and click on the orange arrow.

The selected member tag details view opens.

Deactive/Activate member tag

Click on the Deactivate button to deactivate the member tag.

This will open the "Deactivate" dialog. You will be warned that you are about to deactivate the tag, and that you must choose whether you wish to continue.

Click Continue to deactivate the tag.
The view opens for editing, and you can change the segment.

To activate the tag, click on the now Activate button.

The “Activate” dialog opens up, warning you that you are about to activate the tag.

Click Continue to activate the tag.

Edit tag details

It is possible to edit the tag details by pressing the “pencil” icon by the tag name at the top of the screen.

This will open the “Change tag details” dialog. This is where you can change the tag details, if relevant.

Click Update to update changes.

Clear segment

If you want to delete the segment, you can click on the “Clear segment” button. The button will only be accessible if you tag is deactivated.

This will delete the segment defined for the tag and open a view where you can define a new member segment, import members from file or copy existing member segment.

See Define segment description.

Save as segment

You can save the segment created for the member tag. Press the Save as segment button.

This will open the New segment dialog.

Register the name of the segment and add a description, if applicable. Click Create to create a new segment. This will open the view with member segment details. The member segment will now be available from the Member Segment menu.

Delete member tag

The member tag can be deleted by pressing the Delete button. The button will only be accessible if you tag is deactivated.

You will be asked to confirm if you really want to delete the tag.

Click on the Delete button to delete the tag - or Cancel to cancel.

Configuration of Member Tags

Two jobs are used in connection with Member Tags in the integration with Apsis:

Member tags are configured via the procedure Member Tag Job run from the Integration Platform. This job tags members.

The Member Export job sends the members to Apsis.

Users who need access to Member Tags must be able to access a user role with access to Member Tags. This will provide access to the Member Tags view.

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